Thursday, March 8, 2018

Chronic stress kills and destroys everything

Chronic stress kills and destroys everything.

Diet, money and material things won't fix or solve the problem.

Being systematically attacked by predators at every moment,
mentally or physically --the mind doesn't know the difference
between real or imagined/fake attacks--
by each move you make and every word you say
causes chronic stress.

If you cannot escape the attacks
and find relief, peace, safety and comfort somewhere or
by someone you will deteriorate rapidly and die sooner
than one who has a loving network of people who support them.

War equals not understanding. No love.

War equals not understanding. No love.

Can't  relate
Don't associate

Race wars, hate wars, political wars, sex wars, gender wars

Wars race politics sex gender religion race
breed nationality origin

Which one is better than the other in any category?
genus, species, "race", order
trees vegetables fruits animals male female rocks air water 

None are better than the other

All are important
All have meaning
All have purpose
All are connected/interconnected
All rely upon each other

Home is where you receive your real education.

Home is where you receive your real education.
Parents, (mother, father), grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins,
family, (your relatives) are the people who teach you the basics
of life.

Things I wish I had learned as a child

Things I wish I had learned as a child

how to cook food and make drinks, have clean water
handle stress
deal with angry people
know and understand the seven 7 deadly sins of humans/man/men/women/woman/children
meditation meditate

good exercise for me personally and not try to do something just because another can do it
health (mental, emotional and physical) and nutrition
knowing accepting understanding myself and others
understanding religions and their origins and purposes

understanding government and their purposes
manage managing money
manage managing time
choose friends, jobs, careers carefully
be prudent with my words

how to speak in public courageously instead of having anxiety attacks
do only what I should be doing instead of listening to others tell me what they think I should be doing
focus exclusively on what I need to do and not be distracted by anyone or anything else
know who speaks from wisdom versus those who speak because they have to say something
differentiate between wisdom and useless chatter so I can learn from the wise

character judgement
how to interpret sarcasm
how to take a joke about myself and not feel hurt
know the difference between someone who cares about me and one who does not
know my own strengths focus on them instead of focusing on weaknesses others perceive about me

understand the motives of people, human nature
be action oriented and responsive, to respond appropriately, instead of being reactive reacting
how to effectively and politely get my point across with as few words as possible
how to relax de-stress
how to be the most productive in least amount of time and effort

how to prioritize goals, time management, tasks, duties, social obligations and free time
how to tell the difference between what is important and what is not

love spreading appeals to me naturally