Monday, July 23, 2018

We are the result of our actions and reactions of our environment.

We are the result of our actions and reactions of our environment.

Driving your car is not a video game. You are driving a death machine.

Driving your car is not a video game. You are driving a death machine.
Slow down. Think. Be patient.

Imagine drivers that are tired,
fighing with someone in the car,
dealling with kids throwing tantrums,
are drunk, on prescription drugs, have a lot on their mind,
are in a hurry (impatient), distracted by cell phones or are
ill/sick with the flu, a cold or any other imaginable sickness.

If you imagine these possibilites you are more alert
and able to respond quickly and calmly to sudden changes in traffic.

The dentist is not the one responsible for your teeth. You are by your daily habits

The dentist is not the one responsible for your teeth. You are by your daily habits.

How to assault with a deadly weapon.

How to assault with a deadly weapon.

 Open mouth, move your tongue,
criticize, find fault, use sarcasm,
threats, say hateful things, bash,
blame, shame, humiliate, use name
calling, belittle, undermine, prejudge,
condemn, lambaste, reprimand,
chastise, censure, denounce,
slam, trash, nag, nit-pick.

love spreading appeals to me naturally