Friday, February 25, 2022

mother trains baby to react/respond to environment

 it is lifelong

life eats life in order to live

Fake food= fake cell replication


equals phony 




A faker can't keep up with their false facade

Who am I supposed to be? I asked my grandma. "YOURSELF" she answered.

 Just BE yourself

Invest in yourself. It is the only thing you own for life

Offensive behavior examples

 Looking like .. appearance: Dishevelled, a mess, crumpled wrinkled clothing
dirty looking apparel

Smelling like: stink, body odor, trash, garbage, poop, pee

Loud sounds from vocal cords. yelling talking too loud 

Acting mean obnoxious selfish thoughtless rude indifferent destructive

Typical conversation example: Like vs like and Like vs opposite

 Person 1 says "I found a pair of shoes"
Person 2 says "I also found a pair of shoes" or "I don't wear shoes"

Uniqueness is in every life form

Why it's necessary to talk to strangers: Counselors, psychologists as examples

 privacy issues



If you say anything to anyone you are related to or associate with on a regular basis
they are going to remember what you say and do. They will be judgmental 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Thursday, February 3, 2022

 round thing in my face

she drives me crazy

skin is everything

clothes make total impression

exposing body areas boobs butt ass roundness small waist curves

eyes tell all

purse mouth ; lips smiling, noticed immediately, we respond automatically to the smile or

the frown

We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are. -- Anais Nin

love spreading appeals to me naturally