Saturday, December 24, 2022

Queen Bee and Banty Rooster

 my mom used to talk about some women she knew who were acting like the Queen Bee

her mom, my grandma would talk about some men she knew who acted like little banty roosters

What is a banty rooster? - Thank Chickens

The definition of a banty rooster is a smaller, more aggressive rooster. An example of a banty rooster is one used in fights. How can you tell a rooster from a hen or a banty? Check the size of the comb and wattles. Roosters have larger combs and wattles than females. Compare the sizes. Male bantam chickens are larger than females.

Who isn't self absorbed?

Some say I make excuses for and defend others because of my ability to understand

A toad remains a toad. It never turns into a prince

Friday, December 23, 2022

Thinking people can change when they want, wrong

Allowing myself to unknowingly be manipulated by users criminals narcissists

Thinking looks dont matter..wrong furthest from truth

Believing another person cares about me (wrong)

Believing a person will love me back because i love, totally wrong

Believing others think and feel like me; nice, empathic, ethical, loving, caring

Failing to see true nature of a person for many years

Being, working, loving, liking wrong fit people

Cleaning up after pigs, those who dont care, dont want to be clean

Giving my love to those who dont love, dont want it, dont care, dont deserve. Story of

Wasting my words and breath on dead ears, story of my life

I am going to do it all..and I get nothing done. Story, motto of my life.

Brain damage incidents. Permanent, lifelong

 Fractured skull : hit right side of head fell off bicycle landed on concrete curb age 6 

16 years old. Kicked in head by adult human male. I was sitting on floor, he wss standing up. Drop kicked front temple knocked me unconscious. 

Cruelest creature of all: Human being

If i can do it so can you: A common lie

Thursday, December 22, 2022

The more we give of anything the more we shall get back." -- Grace Speare

 Your Daily Quotation:

"The more we give of anything the more we shall get back."

-- Grace Speare

I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature." -- John D. Rockefeller

 Your Daily Quotation:

"I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature."

-- John D. Rockefeller

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

I'd rather stay warm living in the right temperature

 Instead of fighting to keep warm or cool living in radical climate

I can't keep moving in order to stay warm below 70 degrees Fahrenheit

Clothes are ridiculous

Keeping up with myself is a miracle in and of itself

 I fail to keep up with 

the joneses

the news

entertainment industry


the world

And one day my grandson will despise and hate me

 As he is being trained in bootcamp now

Came across mothers day cards from long ago when my son was a child and loved me then

A week ago Saturday I found a folder saved from the 1980s and 1990s

I love you homemade card with red glitter on Elmer's school glue
And a big nice store bought mother's day card
From long ago from my youngest son back in the days when he loved me
The way his son my 8 year old grandson loves me

Some say and do the cruelest things then pretend they didn't. Amnesia happens feigned fake

Not getting better

Severe burning back pain today excruciating worse again

Friday, December 16, 2022

I need you to ........

 That's about all I hear from people

I need you to : fill in the blank and that's it. Don't say anything at all and don't do anything you want or need to do ONLY SAY AND DO WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO.

The money I don't spend. Things I don't buy, don't need or want.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

love spreading appeals to me naturally