Monday, June 2, 2014

A nation, society or family that does not respect the female, the woman or girl for the goddess she is, respects no one.
The little girl grows up to become a woman and a mother and if she was abused during childhood and
disrespected as an adult she will ultimately not be able to set a good example for her children. If she is
treated like trash it is likely she will treat her children and everyone else like trash because that is all
she knows.
If you want a better world and happier people treat everyone with respect, both females and males.
Do not succumb to the patriarchal way of thinking that puts men up on pedastals and idolizes them as if they
are the only gods to be worshiped while degrading and labeling women as worthless sex objects, slaves,
maids and "helpmates" designed to mindlessly submit to the whims of any man.

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