Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Only those in the entertainment industry can get by with what I do everyday and get paid for it.

Only those in the entertainment industry can get by with what I do everyday and get paid for it.
I don't get paid, I get ridiculed, criticized and ostracized.
I say and do a few things that are different than the majority but since I am not part of a
prominent family and don't have any influential friends or relatives, I am a reject.
If I were a musician, an actor, a model or involved in any other high profile career,
I'd probably be admired and respected instead of shunned and mocked by family, "friends"
and neighbors.
I have repeatedly been the employee who is bullied, kept down and left out in social gatherings, important news and events. And I suppose I am the laughingstock of the neighborhood.

Adjectives used to describe me:
Natural, real, open, friendly, honest, outspoken, sensitive, kind, caring,
generous, understanding, sympathetic, knowledgeable, considerate,
respectful, unique, compassionate, accepting, helpful, genuine, intelligent,
trusting/trustworthy, introspective, thoughtful, emotional, intense and
several have told me I was beautiful inside and out.

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