Thursday, January 31, 2019

Restricting stopping preventing controlling a living being from learning

Restricting stopping preventing controlling a living being from learning
from being natural
is the most abominable and horrible thing anyone can do.

If it please God = Focus and do what you are designed to do.

If it please God = Focus and do what you are designed to do.

If you do this you will feel good, make others happy and they will be fond of your company.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Abundance, things I wanted/desired and received recently

Abundance, things I wanted/desired and received recently

 Cast iron griddle skillet
 Heating pad
 Lights under cabinets
New pots and pans, got rid of old nonstick scratched up pans
New cordless telephone
New bra
New compression stockings
New record mailers
New tracfone card

Focus, emotion, desire, action


I like listening to self help/improvement and inspirational information.

I like listening to self help/improvement and inspirational information.
He said I haven't seen any improvement in you

I said I have been working on healing my digestive system
and dealing with your angry outbursts

He said If you want to improve yourself you need to have things to make
your life better
You use everything around here but you don't do anything.
You don't work on the cars or the house

I asked him if he thought Linda Moulton Howe, a
woman he listens to frequently on youtube about ufos and
aliens, works on all of the cars and fixes everything
at her house and if she is a worthless person

He said No I don't think she works on those things

I said I know you focus on material things. You don't look at yourself
because you think there is nothing wrong with you and you don't to to
work on yourself.

He said If I want to change something about myself I will do it
I don't need anyone else's input.


Classic narcissist/narcissism : There is nothing wrong with me,
there is something wrong with everyone else. I don't need to work
on myself , other people need to change to please me.
People, animals, plants, things, the weather, the environment
should be exactly as I think they should be; if they are not
they should be dead, nonexistent and don't deserve to eat,
don't deserve to be happy, are worthless and don't deserve anything.

I am not listening to you or anyone else. I don't want to hear it,
I don't hear what you are saying, what you say means nothing,
Shut the f***k up, You are stupid, I am NOT stupid,
You don't know what you are talking about, You think you know it all,
You don't know what you are doing.
 All of the above he has repeated to me since 1992, a year after his
mother and youngest sister left his house I moved into December 15, 1991.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Checkout51: Deactivated account and unsubscribed from today.

Checkout51: Deactivated account and unsubscribed from today.
Get cash back for purchasing processed foods.

Joined in 2016.

Had $4.25 in account. Don't need it. Don't need to buy 99% of
what they offer.

Another thing that sends me daily emails and takes up my time.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

How do men think? They don't. They do.

How do men think? They don't. They do.

How do men think? I asked my Aries brother-in-law
at a post Christmas family dinner Friday December 28, 2018

They don't, he said.
They  do.

When I'm hungry I think meat, he said.

So I asked my husband in front of him how he responds when
I ask him how he wants his eggs.

However you want to fix them, he said, confirming
my Aries brother in law's statements.

My conclusion is I can communicate
with a man by using two word sentences including

1: subject
2: verb

love spreading appeals to me naturally