Tuesday, May 28, 2019

When I am hungry I don't want to watch someone else eat. I want to eat.

When I am hungry I don't want to watch someone else eat. I want to eat.

The same rule applies to every other need or desire.
Experiencing by doing and moving is better than just watching.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

when i compare myself to another person i can feel better or worse when i compare myself to my self there is no competition

when i compare myself to another person
i can feel better or worse
when i compare myself to my self
there is no competition

I used to try to fit into the clothes available and thought something was wrong with me

I used to try to fit into the clothes available
and thought something was wrong with me
because a size 7/8 or 9/10 didn't fit right
across all brands of clothes

Now I know the clothes should fit me
I need a tailor/seamstress like it was in the old days

Is it luck, chance or determination? Or is it all of these reasons for being here now the way I am, the way it is?

Is it luck, chance or determination? Or is it all of these reasons for being here now the way I am, the way it is?



[ luhk ]


the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances,events, or opportunities:With my luck I'll probably get pneumonia.
good fortune; advantage or success, considered as the result of chance:He had no luck finding work.
combination of circumstances, events, etc., operating by chance to bring good or ill to a person:She's had nothing but bad luck all year.
some object on which good fortune is supposed to depend:This rabbit's foot is my luck.

Verb Phrases Informal.


Also found in: ThesaurusMedicalLegalEncyclopediaWikipedia.


a. Firmness of purpose; resolve: approached the task with determination.
b. fixed intention or resolution: returned to school with a determination to finish.
a. The ascertaining or fixing of the quantity, quality, position, or character of something: determination of theship's longitude; a determination of the universe's mass.
b. The result of such ascertaining.
a. The act of making or arriving at a decision: After long determination, she decided to move to Utah.
b. The decision reached: It is my determination to sell the house. See Synonyms at decision.
a. The settling of a question or case by an authoritative decision or pronouncement, especially by a judicialbody: The choice of a foster home was left to the determination of the court.
b. The decision or pronouncement made.
5. The bringing about of a result or outcome: the determination of hair color by the genes.
6. Archaic A fixed movement or tendency toward an object or end.
7. Logic
a. The defining of a concept through its constituent elements.
b. The qualification of a concept or proposition to render it more definite or specific.

Monday, May 20, 2019

I found a pair of jeans today that actually fit me like a glove ! What a wonderful thing. Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda dark blue jeans size 8. It is like a miracle because it is so difficult to find clothes that fit and look good.

I found a pair of jeans today that actually fit me like a glove !
What a wonderful thing. Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda dark blue jeans size 8.

It is like a miracle because it is so difficult to find clothes that
fit and look good.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

"Twisted Sister", he said last night, joking about my back with a 38 degree scoliosis curve.

"Twisted Sister",  he said last night, joking about my back with a 38 degree scoliosis curve.

Last night he said I was exquisite. Again, he said, "I am a lucky man".

Last night he said I was exquisite.
Again, he said, "I am a lucky man".

I have been asking him for weeks now
"Is it luck or determination?"

So I looked up the definition of exquisite
because I want to know what that means

[ekˈskwizət, ˈekˌskwizət]
  1. extremely beautiful and, typically, delicate.
    "exquisite, jewellike portraits"

Loving too much. Giving too much too quickly. Wanting to shower someone with love and affection because you were born that way.

Loving too much. Giving too much too quickly.  Wanting to shower someone
with love and affection because you were born that way.

Good memories are to dwell on Bad memories are bridges to burn

Good memories are to dwell on
Bad memories are bridges to burn

Monday, May 13, 2019

All you need to do is ask yourself one question: "Are you happy?" an old man told me many years ago when I was in my 30's. Now I heed his advice.

All you need to do is ask yourself one question: "Are you happy?" an old man told me many years ago when I was in my 30's. Now I heed his advice. 

I like to repeat myself just like everyone else.

I like to repeat myself just like everyone else.

4-26-19 my feet calves torso

4-26-19 my legs and feet

4-26-19 my calves and feet

4-26-19 my torso

April 16, 2019 My face.

April 16, 2019  My face.

I like parties but not pissed off parties. When I encounter one I calmly walk away.

I like parties but not pissed off parties. When I encounter one I calmly walk away.

Energy is within you, not a dead or alive person outside of you.

Energy is within you, not a dead or alive person outside of you.
I am not religious. Religions separate, divide and give your power away to
another entity, often dead, sometimes alive.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Friday, May 10, 2019

The Grand Central Gossip Station Prevails

The Grand Central Gossip Station Prevails

It's everywhere. In your family, in your neighborhood.
It's at work. It's the news. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Snake from mouth to bottom rules. Digestive system rules. What goes in will come out.

Snake from mouth to bottom rules. Digestive system rules. What goes in will come out.

Children and animals are pure, innocent. and raw. They don't lie.

Children and animals are pure, innocent. and raw. They don't lie.
Natural and naturally beautiful.
No hidden motives.
No politics.
No religion.
Basic, real, true and only act on instincts and immediate needs.
Respond naturally in the now, quickly interpret feelings.
Imitate and reflect what they are exposed to.


I quit arguing :

agree with what he says and say we all have different opinions, preferences, choices, upbringing
and ways of doing things. differences are okay.

stay to the point on one subject at a time

don't interrupt his train of thought or his concentration
he is focused and will get the job done when he stays focused
and centered on his goal

quit trying to feminize the male
quit trying to be a man
he is a boy, a man
man seeks a beautiful woman who is sweet, kind, gentle,
understanding, flexible, patient, ethical

leave him alone so he can get the job done
don't tell him how to do his job

learn to keep yourself occupied and happy with your own jobs,
hobbies, interests, friends and understand and realize he has his own

don't hang on him every minute
give him plenty of space

trust and be trustworthy

feel and therefore look your best
be or appear to be naturally beautiful
fresh, clean appearance and smelling wonderful is attractive
minimal makeup. no exotic hair dos

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
-- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The proof is in the pudding. Results show actions taken to get there.

The proof is in the pudding. Results show actions taken to get there.

The Proof is in the pudding

The idiom is usually stated the proof is in the pudding and means that the end result is the mark of the success or failure of one’s efforts or planning. The phrase may also be used in the past and future tenses: the proof will be/was in the pudding.

Some people fantasize about being with a stranger like a celebrity, a pro athlete or a famous person in politics instead of appreciating the very people that are in their life.

Some people fantasize about being with a stranger like a celebrity, a
pro athlete or a famous person in politics
instead of appreciating the very people that are in their life.
Miserable, confused and angry, they neglect the beauty around
them and cause others misery and confusion.

The Plain Company, a dream I have of owning.

The Plain Company, a dream I have of owning.

plain clothes
plain cars
plain houses
plain furniture
plain dishes

fun activities
cell phones

Plain, clean and simple is absolutely beautiful.
This applies to people, animals, plants as well as material things and activities.

It is low maintenance and very low in stress.

You don't have to worry about thieves wanting to steal your plain stuff.

It is either free or costs very little yet is the most valuable of all.

Plain takes much less of your precious time and energy. 

Some people change so much over the years that they become unrecognizable.

Some people change so much over the years that they become
unrecognizable. As an adult they barely resemble how they looked as a teenager.
Why is this?

I like parties but not "pissed off parties". I calmly walk away from them.

I like parties but not "pissed off parties".  I calmly walk away from them.

love spreading appeals to me naturally