Thursday, May 2, 2019

I quit arguing :

agree with what he says and say we all have different opinions, preferences, choices, upbringing
and ways of doing things. differences are okay.

stay to the point on one subject at a time

don't interrupt his train of thought or his concentration
he is focused and will get the job done when he stays focused
and centered on his goal

quit trying to feminize the male
quit trying to be a man
he is a boy, a man
man seeks a beautiful woman who is sweet, kind, gentle,
understanding, flexible, patient, ethical

leave him alone so he can get the job done
don't tell him how to do his job

learn to keep yourself occupied and happy with your own jobs,
hobbies, interests, friends and understand and realize he has his own

don't hang on him every minute
give him plenty of space

trust and be trustworthy

feel and therefore look your best
be or appear to be naturally beautiful
fresh, clean appearance and smelling wonderful is attractive
minimal makeup. no exotic hair dos

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