Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Saturday, June 26, 2021
How to spot identify a Control freak micro manager
How to spot identify a Control freak micro manager
controlling dictator
takes things out of your hands, won't allow you to finish your project until completion
acts like they know the outcome of any situation and you should also know exactly what is going to happen
does things for you that you can do for yourself without your consent
attempts to take charge of your thoughts and tells you what you should think, feel, say, do, eat, drink, enjoy, hate/dislike
lacks understanding of the basic nature of a being; any animal or plant
and wants to force it to be different, something it is not. becomes angry
because they can't control the actions or even the look on the face of a living being
falsely believes they have the right to control each and everything in the world
and especially in their immediate environment/surroundings
believes their opinions and preferences are facts and should be the standard for all others
won't allow or accept differences about others of thoughts opinons beliefs preferences
disallows attempts to suppress independence/independent individual expression
often acts like they are the only one who is important and each person and animal
and thing should immediately do what they want without question or thought
often thinks they are the center of the universe and controlling it all
I am the result of what I consume, experience and imagine.
I am the result of what I consume, experience and imagine.
I'm a wanna be. Not a has been, never was. A has been was somebody once famous.
I'm a wanna be. Not a has been, never was. A has been was somebody once famous.
Doing something for me I could do myself hurts me, it does not help me.
Doing something for me I could
do myself hurts me, it does not
help me.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Saturday, June 12, 2021
Some people keep track of everything they do for you. Avoid them like the plague.
Some people keep track of everything they do for you. Avoid them like the plague.
I have an excellent memory for words spoken to me. I remember.
I have an excellent memory for words spoken to me.
As does everyone.... we all remember what is said
and how it was spoken.
Once spoken, never forgotten.
Cry. I cry. Remain stoic. Frozen face. Poker face.
Cry. I cry. Remain stoic. Frozen face. Poker face.
Truth opens and allows me to shed tears.
"I don't want to look at one person everyday", he said.
"I don't want to look at one person everyday", he said.
I don't want to look at you.
I don't want to look at just you.
I desire looking at as many other women as I can.
I don't want to see you all the time.
I want to look at other people.
I want to look at other girls, females, women.
I want to look at pretty girls.
I want to look at attractive females.
I don't want to see your face, your body or your presence.
Totally agreeing with everything he says and does is the only way to get along with him.
Totally agreeing with everything he says and does is the only way to get along with him.
Play. Fun. Vitally important. Lacking, missing, nonexistent.
Every time my head pops up I am smashed with a hammer to keep me down, under control.
No play. No fun. No joy.
It's about working all the time.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy ass miser
and Jill a miserable depressed bitter bitch.
He focuses on money, bills to pay,
material things and experiences that he wants.
Playboy, play boy, play with girls..
Girls are considered toys.
Playtoy, play toy.
Friday, June 11, 2021
3 questions man asks when he sees an attractive woman
is she married
is she single
is she available (for sex)
rick coutts friend told me this yesterday when i asked him
what he thinks when he sees a pretty woman
simple, straight forward, direct, easy answer. thank you for your honesty
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Diabetes kidney failure dialysis metabolic syndrome liver blood pressure
people I know and health conditions
chuck strand charles
john layson (william, middle name)
paul anderson in south dakota
patience conan's husband
chris rixner
tom wright
gilbert wilson dad father
ruth wilson mother
michael wall mike
tom tacy
jacqueline giles jackie jacque
sugar sweets processed food flour white any kind of flour
sweeteners including artificial
fake oils processed fat fats
baked goods doughnuts donuts bread
pancakes waffles syrup
corn syrup high fructose
packages mixes for gravy tacos any premade seasoning
boxed goods for quick fix meals dinners lunch breakfast
frozen foods with added fake ingredients
snack snacks
soda pop
flavored drinks coffee tea kool aid premade premixed pre bottled
chemicals manmade ingredients in a lab laboratory
msg monosodium glutamate
salt sodium high amounts added to flavor food and drink overloading taste buds
Males basic drive desire instinct urge beliefs
Males basic drive desire instinct urge beliefs
bigger biggest
showy flashy
loud, loudest
own big things : land, houses, businesses, cars, trucks, equipment
own the most stuff
have the most money
strongest strong strength
bravest brave
smart smartest
best of any all and every thing
any action to call attention to themselves for their abilities,
resourcefulness, to keep, have protect, maintain, control
Core desire to attract females as many as they can get to
fulfill basic instinct to procreate
How you are impresses me more than what you have/own.
How you are impresses me more than what you have/own.
how nice you are is better than the things you own
Friday, June 4, 2021
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Who what where when how why does he or she think, say and do
who is he spending time with
who does he associate with
who is he spending his money on
who is he listening to
who does he admire
who does he respect
who does he honor
who is he proud of
what kinds of questions does he ask
What is he spending his money on?
What he is paying attention to
what is he proud of
what he is looking at
what he is listening to
what statements does he make
what does he say to others
what does he say to you
what does he do with you
what does he do with other people
what is he doing with his time
what is he watching on television
what is he watching on the internet
what is he buying on the internet
what he is doing on the internet (the same things as not on the internet)
what compels his attention
what does he respect
what does he honor
what is the most important thing to him
where is his mind focused
where is he
how does he react when around you
how does he react to other people in person
how does he react to others not in person
when is he available for anything or anyone
why does he think, say and act upon anything
who what where when how why
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
All girls women females be careful use caution how you dress what you wear. Men take it the wrong way
All girls women females be careful use caution how you dress what you wear. Men take it the wrong way
be careful how you look
wary of who you smile to and for
or if you laugh at what he says
he looks at everything as a hint, a possibility of
attacking your body for his sexual desires
He wonders what you look like naked
what color, what kind of undewear do you have on, if any
one male friend of mine said "she's wearing a black bra under a
white shirt" she must be asking for it
Men are on the alert 24/7 for sex opportunities.
Men are on the alert 24/7 for sex opportunities.
They will remember any female that looks attractive anywhere
they happen to be.
it could be while they are driving, shopping, eating, working,
viewing anything on tv, in a magazine, book, any digital or
printed format
it is while they at home looking out their window at the
neighbors in their own neighborhood... oh, yes, they pay
particular attention to what is in their immediate surroundings
it is anywhere they happen to be
A girl only needs to exist to be noticed.
A girl only needs to exist to be noticed. Heard, seen, smelled then
that leads to wanting to be tasted and touched, felt and have sex with if
she is noticed by a heterosexual male.
She doesn't have to DO anything. She is immediately desired by the
male if she sounds, looks or smells inviting, cute, pretty, sweet, attractive.
She could be sitting, standing or laying/lying still and doing absolutely
nothing and she is desired by the men.
The man either wants you/the woman/female sexually or he wants
something that you have such as money, material things like a car,
van, truck, house, etcetera.
He does NOT CARE WHAT YOU WANT. He only cares and is
concerned about what he wants at the moment.
Once he gets what he wants he's done with you/me
Once he gets what he wants he's done with you/me
Best face kindness respect shown to strangers
Disrespect shown to female woman wife girlfriend he has had
sex with and she is disrespected most when he thinks she is
always available for sex or anything else he wants
when I love I am considered easy,
gullible, stupid, naive, a pushover, a target for
The bee goes from flower to flower
The bee goes from flower to flower
man goes from woman to woman
either literally (physically) or mentally
bumble bee
honey bee
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