Saturday, June 5, 2021

Diabetes kidney failure dialysis metabolic syndrome liver blood pressure

 people I know and health conditions

chuck strand charles

john layson (william, middle name)

paul anderson in south dakota

patience conan's husband

chris rixner 

tom wright

gilbert wilson dad father

ruth wilson mother

michael wall mike

tom tacy 

jacqueline giles  jackie jacque

sugar sweets processed food flour white any kind of flour
sweeteners including artificial

fake oils processed fat fats 

baked goods doughnuts donuts bread 

pancakes waffles syrup 

corn syrup high fructose

packages mixes for gravy tacos any premade seasoning

boxed goods for quick fix meals dinners lunch breakfast

frozen foods with added fake ingredients


snack snacks 

soda pop 

flavored drinks coffee tea kool aid premade premixed pre bottled 

chemicals manmade ingredients in a lab laboratory

msg monosodium glutamate

salt sodium high amounts added to flavor food and drink overloading taste buds

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