Sunday, May 29, 2022

Friday, May 27, 2022

Sex is NOT love

 sex act itself has nothing to do with love 

some can love and have sex with the one they love

I do not know LOVE from another man that I have had sex with

Told I was a knockout heartbreaker beauty pretty cute sexy since I was little

Like lots of little girls I was told that I was cute pretty beautiful.. a

knockout beauty and

would be a real heart breaker when I grew up/got older.

When I got older (in my teens and throughout my adult life)
I have heard the opnion from many that I am a real looker

Today I look in the mirror and see that my face is close to what it was. I am easily
recognizable compared to what I looked like at age 16
and is now
showing some wrinkles creases lines pock marks from severe cystic acne I used to have
and sagging skin around the mouth jaws/jawline and neck.
Skin is drier.. used to be extremely oily.
This is called aging/ageing/getting older.

It is most devastating to endure harsh treatment 
(physical assaults: black eyes, punched, kicked, hit, smacked, raped,
knocked down to the floor: verbal abuse attacks and assaults
from the man /men I love 

so I realize that love does not exist, only the desire for USE, as if I am an
inanimate doll without life, without a soul 

My life is coming to an end and I don't know when I will die

I see many beautiful females in the world and know that many are treated the same way. This does not justify 

Sadness and tears and crying come upon me often due to the multitude of 
experiences of abuse because I feel ...

pushed around

knocked around like a rock em sock toy

ripped off 


taken for granted

treated like shit

A beautiful woman drives a man crazy pretty girls rule the world

Keep up with myself OR Keep up with the world: Which is easier?

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Clothes make all the difference in appearance and treatment

 I saw an attractive woman at the grocery store the other day.

Dressed in

slim trim shapely in right places

long red hair

i saw the men turn their heads the butcher working turned around and looked at her then looked away real quick

she was not looking at anyone she may have been unaware people were looking at her especially the men

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Career jobs fields of work prefer/like and avoid



individual expression

health nutrition

sensible fitness


md medicine that is fake unnatural



Saturday, May 14, 2022

To be myself & be joyful I have to be somwewhere else.

To be myself & be joyful I have to be somwewhere else.

away from home

he watches every single thing i do

Friday, May 13, 2022

Monday, May 9, 2022

Insecure people who feel threatened will not praise you: they will ignore, sneer and attack instead

 a person who feels threateaned by you will not tell you about your value/talent/

intelligence recognize your genius
a person afraid of losing you so they can keep you around to use you up and who is
insecure with themselves will not praise you

strangers recognize your talents and genius pretty fast

 strangers recognize your talents and genius pretty fast

"a prophet is not known in their own town/city/place/residence/

family/friends/..sometimes co workers/bosses/

a person who feels threateaned by you will not tell you about your value/talent/
intelligence recognize your genius
a person afraid of losing you so they can keep you around to use you up and who is
insecure with themselves will not praise you

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Friday, May 6, 2022

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Men with money

 in their wallet

their pocket

in the bank account

control is desired

keep it away from others 

especially women / girls/ females / maybe even

children, kids, too

love spreading appeals to me naturally