Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Sarah Says .... I can see it now.. your name in headlines high up in the sky

An old man who worked at an auto parts repair shop on Wornall ave in
Kansas City, MO said that to me.

He held up his right arm and waved it high in the air as he said it.

Was he being serious or smirking and sarcastic? Mocking
ridicule, making fun of, humilating?

For my philosphical statement (s), realizations, comments about humanity.

This was way back when in the late 90s when I was an auto parts delivery driver for 
Car Quest Auto Parts.  1996, 1997 

Being a very attractive female woman at the time I experienced different treatment according to the people men or women I was dealing with. Certain men would consistently sexually harass and undermine me whenever possible. Most people were hospitable, professional and business oriented.

He was one of the owners probably in his 60s or 70s and usually polite.

Don might have been his first name.

philosophy, observing, memories, truths, statements, comments

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