Friday, April 28, 2023

Some things can't be fixed. Are broken forever

The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy." -- Florence Scovel Shinn

 Your Daily Quotation:

"The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy."

-- Florence Scovel Shinn

Weak ones run others down to try to build themselves up

 Leaders are strong and empower uplift others

Seeing the good, making others feel worthy, loved and wanted, understood

 Powerless people undermine and invalidate other beings 

Mudslinging common method of throwing shit on another to promote oneself

Always someone or something waiting and wanting to jump in my bed

 Be it a cat, a mouse, a bug

germ, man or child

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Talking to anyone anywhere does no good

 Not one person can help me 


This insane individual 

It's me solo alone completely by myself 

With only the spirit of whatever you want to call it 

To help me survive the roller coaster ride of life and death 

Of which I have no idea if it's going to be life . Or. Death . Or deaths.  

No neighbors no family no friends and no strangers.. no private or public person or entity 

Has helped me or can help. 

I don't know what to do. 

So I will try to go to sleep tonight. Let God spirit take over and choose what it will do. 

Violent rage out of him again tonight

Monday, April 24, 2023


 Soap shampoo conditioner 

Wash cloth 

Towel medium size 

2 gallon Ziploc bag 


Shorts with pockets 

Short sleeve t-shirt 

Long sleeve plain under shirt  

Black pants comfortably snug not tight with pockets 

Girl on the train disappears into nowhere

 Can't find me now. 

Ha ha ha 


Telling anyone what I am going to do worst mistake ever

Gonna sell it all

 Go to beach 

Live my life in happiness and joy 

No tie down straps on me 

Dead weight anchor gone 

Mother in law Marge become similar to her

 1991 Dec to 1992 July 

She lived here 

In this house in this master bedroom 

Like I am now stuck 

In room most of the time 

Due to his violent angry outbursts 

She did same angry outbursts

Would spend most of day in master bedroom 

Then run out front door Tuesday and Thursday s to go to 

Jehovah's witness meetings 


i like to RHYME all the TIME

INSIGHT into HUMAN characters and behavior

 a blessing to see the different characters in life

and write about them

all stories by authors writers journalists of books movies music 

artists worlwide

REFLECTING the reality of what IS 

leads one to fortune and fame

money honey

Living on the beach

 YES !

Be minimal 

Be ready to move

run go leave as soon as the hurricane starts



quickly in a copter chopper or some sort of air travel when the weather changes the shit hits the fan just 

GO to another beach area that is calm until the storm settles then 

GO back




Sleep well

move to the MUSIC

Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around us in awareness." -- Leland Val Vandewall

"Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around us in awareness."

-- Leland Val Vandewall

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Oh, Sarah !! Saraaaaaaah !

 You don't know what you're talking about 

You're stupid 

Incredulous look of disbeluef 

Minimizing me 

oh, really ?!

is that a fact ? 

shut the fuck up

be quiet

i dont want to listen to you your opinion

i dont need you input

i dont care what you want

you think you know it all dont you

just shut up

you talk too much

talk over me 

you talk over other people

no one wants to hear what you have to say

you think youre so smart

what are you egotistical

just don't say anything

i want a woman who listens

i want a woman who works

you think youre better than everyone else dont you

Friday, April 21, 2023

Does news obsession make /create angry people

 Or do angry people get obsessed with news

 Thinking about people i know wondering if theres a correlation of interests

Some malcontents and  angry ones are (or were because they are dead) mammon worshippers

Stages life degrees graduated

 From wanting it all to 

Wanting to get rid of most things 

 Happy with less not wanting more than i need 

Wanting it all to happy with less

Graduated to here where i am today with a

Degree in window shopping 

The hoarders dream is my nightmare

From conquer the world to choosing to stay in bed 

Let somebody else go after the world 

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

In it ALL THE WAY I am a WHOLE hearted person

 I am a WHOLE hearted person

No second chances. You're not coming back

 Reincarnation does not exist 

One chance 

One time 

One life in 

One body

Paul Kurt schraps Jeanne Lucille


Died 1993


No one notified me of deaths or funeral s 

August 1, 1920 Jeanne Lucille schraps 

Spainhour maiden name 

Jeanne was a sister of my maternal grandmother Sarah Elizabeth spainhour Mitchell dob Dec 22 1916 

12-22-1916 to 12-2-2008   

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 Paul Kurt Schraps

Photo added by Juanice Hess

Paul Kurt Schraps


5 May 1921

Berlin, Kreis Segeberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany


13 Feb 1997 (aged 75)

Orange County, California, USA


Upper Lake Cemetery

Upper Lake, Lake County, California, USA  Show Map


Western Addition, Sub 2, Path 1, Lot 44


229189882 · View Source





Picture of 

Added by Juanice Hess



Family Members


Jeanne Lucille Spainhour Schraps

1920–1993 (m. 1945)


Plant Memorial Trees

Left by Juanice Hess on 5 Jul 2021

See more Schraps memorials in:

Upper Lake Cemetery

Upper Lake

Lake County



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Lake County

Upper Lake

Upper Lake Cemetery

Paul Kurt Schraps

Maintained by: Anita

Originally Created by: Juanice Hess

Added: 5 Jul 2021

Find a Grave Memorial ID: 229189882

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Monday, April 17, 2023

5th grade I was narrator Tom Sawyer and huckleberry finn

 The teachers chose me to read the play 

In front of the audience at the podium in the school gymnasium 

Why I don't know. I was scared to pieces reading that story 

Paulette schraps dead at 26

 Funeral I attended in California somewhere paulette was my cousin. Aunt Jeanne my grandmas sisters daughter. Paul Kurt schraps was uncle Jeanne's husband. Jeanne's shoe store in CA she owned her own business. 

First funeral I remember attending I was 10 or 11. 

My cousin was dark haired beauty laying in the coffin 

So sooo pretty she looked alive sleeping . Gorgeous lady. 

I thought she was going to wake up and talk to me  

She was killed by a drunk driver in an automobile accident 

One letter changes word meaning

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Once you are disrespected you will stay that way throughout your life. Status is everything

Same story over and over

 the pretty, cute, sweet, innocent female is most desired. ugly ones are not 

she is the motivator (the face that launched a thousand ships.. helen of troy or whoever it was, virtually any beautiful girl female woman in any tale story movie ..the one that is very sweet but very hard to get.. reluctant and will not give in and reveal all of herself to anyone especially a male...she keeps secrets to herself ..)

however if it is easy to get her attention, get her in bed, have sex or any other way she is  deemed worthless in his mind

she must be out of arms and minds reach to be viewed as valuable, a good catch

because the male must fight other males first, fight other things and work hard to get the chance and feel like he deserves it

if he doesn't have to fight anyone or do anything to win her then he thinks she's worthless for accepting such a louse as him 

if she just loves him naturally without him having to do anything or prove anything he is confused as to why she would have sex so quick and easily with him, therefore he probably thinks she would have sex with anyone else 

BE ALOOF, message to myself..... regardless of how much I think I might like him or love him

because once you get there and go in too fast without any resistance he will forever remain a bastard an ass hole and a jerk to me or you and the lack of respect gets worse and worse over time regardless of what you or I try to do to remedy it and gain the respect I should have demanded in the first place


Doll tween twattwits cute in shorts cheerleader outfits lingerie or naked would be able to help me clean up and out this house !

 without objections or road blocks from him 

standing in my way

B-cause they all like to try to look at the spot between the legs

hoping to get a glimpse

and a shot at that hole

After ejaculation I am the trash

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

At the zoo alone. First time in over 20 years

 My grandson s birthday is today. April 11. He is 9 years old today. 

Alone I am as usual. 

Rarely do I participate in group activities. 

Sometimes some people live in the media tv

 Can and does happen to a person regardless of their ageisolation

Monday, April 10, 2023

Sick tired weak old crawl into a hole and die

 In pain 

Hiding in a dark cave






They want to be left alone to heal or die

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Its tough hard difficult to live with normal people when youre abnormal

Broken back and cataracts are 2 main issues to fix

Normal is the new weird

I stick to being my boring normal original self

Hot topics today are how weird can you get or be






attention seeking and getting

proud of ????

absent from what you were at birth

transforming into some one else

Original self seems to be out of season these days.

Anatomically there's no difference between me and a rich and famous woman

 The difference is I have no fame, notoriety or money

Library of book knowledge not needed for basic life

Should should be stricken from thought

Human thought is often the problem, not the thing, place, plant, animal or human

Always been nocturnal, not a morning person at all

 school was always a struggle

because of the hours not the education

the classes and learning from teachers was nice and fun

the early morning schedules are disastrous to me

Monday, April 3, 2023

Yet another case of old man after 23 year old girl young woman

 57 year old man born 1966

Noname mentioned .. its a secret...

After the 23 yr old female been knowing since she was 22 

Asked her out 3 times she turned him down politely all 3 times 

Birthday june last year was hers 

People are fools regardless of age 

Hes 15 year friend of mine,always single and always working 

Every day except one

 White cauc male after mexican woman cute shy sweet nice 

Oh my gawd 


Real death is better than living dead

People say mean things then deny it

 Lie and act like didnt say it or mean it

 And do downright evil things

And deny they did it

Act like its nothing

And they are innocent

Movies gifted for my birthday were not for me at all

 Hitchcock shows were for someone else

Stupid cant be fixed

Who is uglier more stupid worthless should be dead

 Mud fence










 Out of shape 





Flat chested 


Major clean up and out needed. No more trash

people search sites in 2020






























unitedstates county and city records

usa people search

us identified







yasn yatedo?



Been going about my life in wrong ways. Change is necessary for survival


Work hard labor physically 

Work long hours

Work any job not suited for me physically or mentally

Hang with haters and try to please them, calm them, make them happy (IMPOSSIBLE to do)

Change anyone other than myself

Some want to see you smile, some want to make you cry. Stay with the Smiley People

Talking, which I do a lot, is merely a waste of breath when talking to a rock block head

My career effort failed in each and every job venture

 Now I am here 

No real career, capabilities limited 

Occupational areas are what?? 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Go back into the media tv and shut your face and mouth

Town & Country Market

 January 1981 

350 hwy Raytown Missouri 

Took the job there. Left Texas Tom's restaurant for this job at t&c convenience store. 

This is where I met my second husband in January right before his birthday on February 4 1961. 

One decision lead to that life changing event  

October 9, 1981 married in Miami, Oklahoma. 

August 13, 1982 our son was born. 

His only child. My second and last child. 

Don't say that

 Heard throughout my entire life 

Funny how truth pisses people off 

Fred cried his eyes out

 When he found out I didn't want him 

I chose another man named Michael, Mike 

I was 30 years old. 

Fred was in his 40s. Lived in northern Kansas City MO 

Mission of the Minimalist and Hoarder

 Perfect pair 


Why do I have to have so much stuff



Candy dish killer. The Sweet Murderer

 leave the sweets out to eat 

In the dish looking so good

walk by and grab one all day 

One, 2, 3 at a time

 It's not much I say 

doesn't take long

and you're not very strong

Silver tongued devil 

Put your money where your mouth is 

Money in the hospital

Not in my bank

No money in my bank account

Broke and dying 

Of a cancer 

Diabetes to diabetic coma death  

Liver failed got sweetened to death 

Never felt it coming 

Crept up on me 

One little candy and soda pop sip at a time 

love spreading appeals to me naturally