Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

It is easy to spot a proud man. He likes to talk, especially about himself or his opinions. He does not serve others voluntarily, for it is beneath him, and he is too preoccupied with his own things. He moves in high circles, and he lives above his means. He rejects advice or warnings. He gets angry easily, criticizes others, and holds bitterness for past offences.

A proud man presumes on people, is disrespectful of authority, and flouts the breaking of laws. He always has an excuse for his bad actions, instead of a humble apology. He makes commitments he cannot or will not keep. He speaks hastily. The problems in his life are always someone else's fault. He will not seek help. He rules only by tyranny.

What are cures for pride? Confess your sins completely to God, and forsake them. Apologize to all you have wronged and make full restitution. Humble yourself and obey all wise advice you have been given. Serve the lowest person you can find. Talk less.

Humility is not thinking or saying you are humble. Humility is obeying God and serving others. Pride provokes Him to judgment; humility brings blessing. "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time"
Less is more. The less I am around the happier people are.
Some people are tolerated. Some people are desired. I fall into the
first category.

Monday, April 21, 2014

I follow no one. I lead the leaders.
Fallacy: Being first, the first in line, the first one there increases your chances for success. This is not always the case. Being first does not guarantee you will be accepted. It doesn't guarantee you will get the job, get the girl or the guy, get the prize or be the best. Being first is just a number. It is position number 1 but doesn't mean you will be number one.
On the contrary it could mean you're the experiment, the one that takes the most beating, the one that is first rejected. Being first might mean you're the
guinea pig, just a test subject being tortured to see how much you can take.
It doesn't guarantee love, it doesn't guarantee success, it doesn't mean you
will win.
Words are something experience is everything.
Born naked and born broke, you're going to die the same way you came into this world.
And the phonies line up....

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Who are you without your makeup, your clothes and your fancy car?
Born naked with nothing you will die the same way.

Extremist. Go to extremes. Talk too much or not at all, eat too much
or not eat at all, sleep too much or stay awake too long, work too many
hours, relax, drink, smoke, too emotional, think too much.
All or nothing, a flood or a drought.
I am nothing. I am everything.
Recluse. Freak. The eccentric woman dressed in black people avoid.

Simplify life.
Necessities: Air, water, food, right temperature.
Emotional and mental happiness. Feeling good is top priority.
It is number one. If you don't feel good emotionally no amount of food
or material things or money is going to make you healthy or happy.

Grandma said

Grandma said
Be yourself
Don't let anyone put you down
Call a spade a spade
I tell it like it is
Eat to live. Don't live to eat.
You are what you eat.
Every dog has his day.
Kool-aid is bellywash (and all other sugar loaded
Moderation in everything
Rome wasn't built in a day
Keep most people at arm's length
Don't lie down with dogs or you'll get up with fleas
Always keep yourself looking nice
You're natural
You have class
Respect yourself and others
There are two kinds of people you can't deal with, a liar and a thief
Some people think the world owes them a living
There are 2 kinds of people in this world, givers and takers. I am a giver.

10-5-2020 revised addendum

Friday, April 18, 2014

The answer is not out there. It's here. It's in you., It's in me. It all starts in your own home. The answers and solutions begin in the self so quit pointing the finger "out there".

The answer is not out there. It's here. It's in you., It's in me. It all
starts in your own home. The answers and solutions begin in the self so
quit pointing the finger "out there".
Understanding and compassion is the cure for hate.

"A minute's success pays the failure of years."
-- Robert Browning

Sunday, April 6, 2014

I am what I am.
I am not what I have.
I am not the things I own.
The only material thing I (temporarily) own in this life
is the physical body I am in.
Do I own these (other) material things or do they own me?

Karma, equality, fairness and justice do not exist. They are myths and fallacies made up by man. Lies based upon wishful thinking and human
hope that such things are true or will happen. We like to believe
that justice will be served and people will get what they deserve.
We are taught that if we are good, do good and work hard we will
be rewarded and if we're bad then bad things will happen to us.
Throughout history life has proved and keeps on proving with
solid evidence that there is no such thing as absolute karma.
The "good" and innocent are punished, tortured, slaughtered and murdered.
The "bad" and guilty literally get away with murder.

Why? Is that their karma?

We don't understand why this happens so people invent reasons such
as "It must be something they did in their past life and it's their
karma coming back to them in this life". Wow! There is no way to
prove that karma is real and there is no way to disprove it so
it must be true!

The definition of karma is based upon the belief in reincarnation.

dictionary reference com
[kahr-muh] Show IPA
1. Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman. Compare bhakti (  def 1 ) , jnana.
2. Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.
3. fate; destiny. Synonyms: predestination, predetermination, lot, kismet.
4. the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something: Lets get out of here. This place has bad karma.
1820–30;  < Sanskrit:  nominative, accusative singular of karman  act, deed

urban dictionary
The Buddhist belief that whatever you do comes back to you, e.g. if you do something good, something good will happen to you, and vice versa.
I have good karma.

love spreading appeals to me naturally