Sunday, April 6, 2014

Karma, equality, fairness and justice do not exist. They are myths and fallacies made up by man. Lies based upon wishful thinking and human
hope that such things are true or will happen. We like to believe
that justice will be served and people will get what they deserve.
We are taught that if we are good, do good and work hard we will
be rewarded and if we're bad then bad things will happen to us.
Throughout history life has proved and keeps on proving with
solid evidence that there is no such thing as absolute karma.
The "good" and innocent are punished, tortured, slaughtered and murdered.
The "bad" and guilty literally get away with murder.

Why? Is that their karma?

We don't understand why this happens so people invent reasons such
as "It must be something they did in their past life and it's their
karma coming back to them in this life". Wow! There is no way to
prove that karma is real and there is no way to disprove it so
it must be true!

The definition of karma is based upon the belief in reincarnation.

dictionary reference com
[kahr-muh] Show IPA
1. Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman. Compare bhakti (  def 1 ) , jnana.
2. Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.
3. fate; destiny. Synonyms: predestination, predetermination, lot, kismet.
4. the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something: Lets get out of here. This place has bad karma.
1820–30;  < Sanskrit:  nominative, accusative singular of karman  act, deed

urban dictionary
The Buddhist belief that whatever you do comes back to you, e.g. if you do something good, something good will happen to you, and vice versa.
I have good karma.

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