Friday, May 30, 2014

We all suffer from voluntary or involuntary suicide.
Lesson: Stay away from haters. 
Mental and emotional health is first and foremost. Feeling good emotionally is imperative and precedes physical health. If you don't FEEL good, no amount of exercise, healthy food, money or material things
will make you happy and healthy.

Everybody pays the price for their status in life.

Everybody pays the price for their status in life. It doesn't matter if they are homeless or a billionaire, they all pay the price for what they are. No one has it "easy" regardless of their age, sex, location, physical condition or emotional state. Forget the word "deserve" and the concept that hard work will reward you with
blessings of good things. Those are lies contrived by humans to justify conditions they don't understand.
Big belly full of pride.My (mental and emotional) diet has consisted primarily of pride for several
years now. Pride has become quite disasteful with a disgusting, bitter after taste. No amount of
antacid can get rid of the heartburn. The more pride I swallow the less valuable I feel. The word is
worthless. Humility is being an unwilling doormat.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The word. One word can destroy your life. One comment could ruin a person's
future even if it was said in jest.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Bipolar disorder. Manic depression. Is bipolar really a "disorder" or is it just a way of being, experiencing many different states of  feeling and mind, a set of characteristics that define the type of personality. It is "bi polar", or to describe it more accurately, personalities, in its plural sense, deeply felt and openly expressed by some of us who have been labelled as being bipolar.
Are us bipolar people more aware of life and more natural than the 'average' person?
Are we the ones who openly express waves of  feelings and ideas? Are we seeing and discovering links and connections others may sometimes see but do not seem to be aware of?
Is there really something wrong with me or is there something wrong with others who think there's something wrong with me because I am not just like them?  Perhaps they need to be more aware, need to think more often and accept the differences in other people instead of trying to make everyone the same. To all those
that forever criticize, in case you did not realize it, I am not trying to be like you.
Alan Parson's Project song I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You -Lyrics


Fast cars, fat wallets and lean, muscular bodies are really nice things to have.

Fast cars, fat wallets and lean, muscular bodies are really nice things to have.
They can get your foot in the door but the things I like the most are absolutely free.
Free things and actions that are worth more than a yacht, a mansion or a million bucks.

If good looks, money and material things are the only things we need to be happy
then why are there so many divorces, breakups, lost jobs and failed companies?
Why do we hear daily about the fights, wars, murders, bombings, kidnappings, rapes
and other "wild, unexplainable" things broadcast on the news?
And why can't we seem to understand why?

Free actions worth a fortune:
A person who is polite, who has manners, (now a thing of the past) was once practiced
to show consideration and respect for other living beings.

One that performs random acts of kindness not just for friends and family
but for strangers, too, is a rare find these days.

Act like a lady or a gentleman  and open the door or hold it open for others.

Say "Please" and "Thank You" often and really mean it.

Have respect for the right to privacy and well-being of other people.
Know when you're needed and realize when you're not wanted.

Respect my feelings as they are. Don't tell me not to cry. Would you tell me
not to laugh?  It's called empathy.

Curb your tongue. Don't complain, bitch, gripe and especially don't whine
like a spoiled child when you don't get your way.

Keep your insulting comments to yourself. Even if you think I look fat
in those baggy clothes or I look swollen and puffy eyed
don't say a word about the way I look.
I KNOW how I look when I see myself in the mirror.
You don't need to remind me of it and make it worse.

Don't shout, yell and scream at me in private and never do it in public.

3-27-14 composed on

Dreamcatcher earthtones 4 inches with 3 feathers

Dreamcatcher earthtones 4 inches with 3 feathers
Not for sale

Package dimensions: approximately 8" x 6"

4" diameter center wheel
Colors: earthtones,brown,dark brown, white.
string, beads and feathers.

Printed on the package:
"Legend of the Dreamcatcher

Native Americans of the Great Plains believe
the air is filled with both good and bad dreams.
Historically, dreamcatchers were hung in the
tipi or lodge and on a baby's cradle board.

According to legend, the good dreams
pass through the center hole to the sleeping person.
The bad dreams are trapped in the web,
where they perish in the light of dawn."

Friday, May 23, 2014

I am not a member of clubs, groups or organizations. I am not religious, meaning I do not adhere to any certain religion, cult, set of doctrines,
books, bibles, cliques or set of belief systems that impose restrictions or
limits on one's ability to think naturally, to think for myself.
I am not political. I am not a groupie.
My jaw does not drop in awe at the thought or sight of a "famous" or
"important" person, "VIP" as some might say, because I know they are
simply an animal, flesh and blood, as I am. I remain the same
regardless of who I am around. Sometimes loved and often hated, I am
true to myself.
The biggest mistake (sin) I ever made in my life is associating with
and befriending the wrong people.
I am married to a reptile. In the beginning I thought he was human.

News Headlines: Reptilian brain: What's inside?
A man who cries is not a pussy. A human male that makes a woman, child, man or any other being cry is a pussy, a wimp, a jerk, a weakling, an inferior and poor example of the homo sapien species: a model of the ultimate ass hole.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Apologizing doesn't bring back the dead. Saying "I'm Sorry" over and over
doesn't erase the words that slipped out of your mouth.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Jesus Christ was a woman.

He/she suffered a long time (long suffering), died for our sins (mistakes), sacrificed the self, was empathetic, sympathetic, psychic, quickly accessed the higher intelligence ( the "God" force),
healed the sick, cared for others, had mercy, gave of life so others could live (perhaps died during childbirth?), raised the dead,
rose from the "dead", respected everyone, including the sinful,
wicked and evil degenerates -- as only a Mother could;
was kind, considerate, loving, understanding, patient, wise,
thoughtful and compassionate.

These are feminine traits so I propose the theory, the idea, that
the Christ Myth tells the story of a female or a very, very
maternal male and not a typical human man.

I realized this about a year and a half ago, sometime in 2012,
I think (will have to check my notes in my little diary) while taking
one of my long solitary walks in the woods. In January of 2012
I started going to a Baptist church every week. I had not attended
church regularly since I was a teenager back in the mid 1970s
and had quit going sometime in 1977. My parents and grandparents
all attended church regularly and dragged me along when I was
a child. As an adult I avoided going to church due to the confusion and
hypocrisy I witnessed in so many churchgoers.

I now realize they were just confused hypocrites who meant well.
They didn't know what they were doing so never admitted to
their hypocritical ways yet did a good job of confusing me.
I avoided church and sought my own way of understanding
through my own experiences and many years of solitude.

To this day I avoid "clubs" and any type of institution that
requires an indoctrination or membership that restricts, limits
or punishes me for freedom of thought or choice.

I have attended church weekly for over two years now but am not
a "member", not part of the clique or family there. The pastor
gives great sermons, explaining bible verses in today's modern
English so I can understand it. I don't have the fear or that
feeling of being lost like I did when I attended church as a child.
Gain understanding, lose the fear.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

love spreading appeals to me naturally