Thursday, December 31, 2015

Too many movie heroes. Not enough heroes in real life.

Too many movie heroes. Not enough heroes in real life.

Your face is the first thing people will notice

It's not your hair, makeup, fingernails, clothes or jewelry that first attracts. It's your face.
Your face is the first thing people will notice.
Shape of face, eyes, skin texture, mouth, chin, neck.
Nose will be noticed if extremely large, small, crooked or drooping.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I don't need a man who challenges my thoughts, feelings and actions.

I don't need a man who challenges my thoughts, feelings and actions.
I don't need to be questioned about why I am any way that I am.
I will tell  you what I am,what I feel, at the moment.
You can't challenge feelings.

Father / dad taught me that the rich control food, shelter and clothing. Bases covered.

Father / dad taught me that the rich control food, shelter and clothing.
Bases covered.

My mother and grandmother taught me ethics, morals, to do the right thing even when no one is looking.

My mother and grandmother taught me ethics, morals, to do the right thing
even when no one is looking. I was born with a strong conscience so it
isn't hard for me to  be ethical.
The biggest challenges I have faced every day of my life are dealing
with unethical people. At work, at jobs, at home, in the family, in neighborhoods,
in public, on the phone, on the internet, everywhere imaginable.
My father was the center hub of the wheel of our family. He ran the show.
He was a 32nd degree mason. He didn't know a stranger. He was friendly
and talked to everybody like they were a natural human being.
He taught. He didn't preach. He understood.
He didn't act sympathetic and pity the poor.
He helped the poor.
He had empathy.
I made a lot of mistakes. He was there to help.
He explained things to me I did not understand.
Not once did he tell me I was a bad person.
Not once did he pass judgment upon me.
Not once did he ostracize me.
He had ten children and treated them all the same.
Tolerance, acceptance, compassion.
My parents and grandparents discipline/teaching/lessons
have made me free.

the only thing I temporarily and partially own is this body I was born into

the only thing I temporarily and partially own is this body I was born into

99% + 1% = 100% 99% poor individuals 1% wealthy corporations there is no real war with the 99% the idea of war was created by the 1% 99% will liquidate and add the 1% to equal 100%

99% + 1% = 100%
99% poor individuals
1% wealthy corporations

there is no real war with the 99%
the idea of war was created by the 1%
99% will liquidate and add the 1% to equal 100%

Sarah Stillwell

Monday, December 28, 2015

You work for yourself in whatever you do. You are self employed when you work for a company. You express yourself in everything you do. You can't be owned.

You work for yourself in whatever you do. You are self employed when you work for a company.
You express yourself in everything you do. You can't be owned.

Dollar Tree

Dollar Tree

Wide selection of great products for $1.00 each. You don't have to wait for a sale to get a good deal on
household items (laundry, hand and dish soap, cleaning supplies, kitchen utensils, towels), makeup, health care,
party supplies, greeting cards, toys, office supplies, frozen food, canned goods and snacks like nuts and

Concentration is the secret of strength in politics, in war, in trade, in short in all management of human affairs. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Concentration is the secret of strength in politics, in war, in trade, in short in all management of human affairs.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you are going to complain about doing it then don't do it.

If you are going to complain about doing it then don't do it.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

I haven't changed much since I was a little girl. I have become more intense and concentrated.

I haven't changed much since I was a little girl. I have become more intense
and concentrated.

You can kill people and animals

You can kill people and animals.
You can tear up the land, pollute the air and water.
But you can't kill nature.
You can't kill the truth.
Truth prevails.
Nature will take care of you.

Friday, December 25, 2015

give a fool money and imagined power and they are still a fool

give a fool money and imagined power and they are still a fool

we are all dependent, (men, women and children), and whining, constantly seeking attention

we are all dependent, (men, women and children), and whining,
constantly seeking attention

competing with no one.

competing with no one.
only thing temporarily owned
and partly controlled is this body
i live in.
no comparisons and competition exist.
the self is the only thing i have.
i am.

No makeup.

No makeup,
No hair color or dye.
No perms/permanents,
No curling iron or flat iron.
I cut my own hair.
No jewelry or minimal jewelry.
No fancy expensive name brand
designer clothes or accessories.
No nail polish. No fake fingernails.
No breast implants.
No liposuction.
No manicures.
No pedicures.
I am still called beautiful.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

my baby grandson was running wild naked and free tonight after grandma showed up

my baby grandson was running wild naked
and free tonight after grandma showed up.
we had popcorn pineapple and chicken noodle soup then he was up and running like a
jaybird bunnie, lauging and giggling,
playing hide and go seek with the big blanket
he dragged from his bedroom all the way
to the living room. he ran naked into his
daddy's studio, wg productions,
and hid behind the desk,
peeping out every few seconds, happy like pro

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Must be nice to have no feelings for other people. Must be nice to not have empathy. Must be real nice to sleep like a baby after attacking lambasting threatening criticizing humiliating torturing another living being. Must be nice to have a low conscience and not be aware of what you do.

Must be nice to have no feelings for other people. Must be nice to not have empathy.
Must be real nice to sleep like a baby after
attacking lambasting threatening criticizing
humiliating torturing another living being.
Must be nice to have a low conscience and
not be aware of what you do.

I took the red pill. I look into the eyes of the dragon.

I took the red pill.
I look into the eyes of the dragon.

Interesting that the drug store / pharmacy that dispenses prescription drugs also sells and advertises sales for sugar laden and artificial sweetener laden products like candy, soda, snacks and processed convenience man-made "foods" which cause the illnesses that "require" the prescription drugs aka medicine.

Interesting that the drug store / pharmacy that dispenses prescription drugs also sells and
advertises sales for sugar laden and artificial sweetener laden products like candy, soda,
snacks and processed convenience man-made "foods" which cause the illnesses
that "require" the prescription drugs aka medicine.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

bucket list

visit american indian reservations
arizona, new mexico, nevada, louisana, georgia, tennessee, virginia, west virginia,
detroit, michigan,
burn incense again
tarot cards again
journal writing again
dancing again
laughing again
win lottery over one million dollars
home,house,  simple, sleek, low maintenance, low cost utilities, bare floors,
designed for most efficient heating and cooling and functionality
swim anytime
arcades, home style diners, skating rinks, playgrounds, parks, outdoor drive-in theaters,
picnics, boating
take a cruise or two or three or four or more

Fortune favors the brave. -- Publius Terence

Fortune favors the brave. --  Publius Terence
Go a a few days of starving with no food. Feel what is feels like.
Then get back with me.
If I don't do something about this I am going to be next.

Disability without drugs? Who is on and receiving social security disability government benefits and not on, not required to take prescription drugs?

Disability without drugs? Who is on and receiving social security disability government benefits and not on, not required to take prescription drugs?

He was born without a conscience. He cannot foresee consequences of his actions.

He was born without a conscience. He cannot foresee consequences of his actions.
Empathy is unknown to him but faked by him according to what he has seen
others do and is falsely expressed only to gain something for himself.

We are all in this universe together

We are all in this universe together

Don't ever, ever, ever make a person feel bad. Always, always, always make them feel good.

Don't ever, ever, ever make a person feel bad.
Always, always, always make them feel good.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. Ayn Rand

Emulate what you admire in your parents.

Stuck at 12

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going! Jim Rohn

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going! Jim Rohn

Vehicle condition 1992 Dodge Grand Caravan

Vehicle condition 1992 Dodge Grand Caravan

Rear view mirror fell off. Replaced twice. Fell off again twice.
Driver's side seat belt clasp broken plastic. Have to manually replace it in
upper plastic holder each time I disengage it
Power door locks don't work
No radio
Rattling sound when starting engine
Needs new exhaust system
Needs 2 two mufflers
Needs new exhaust pipes
Needs new catalytic converter
Struggles to go up hills, no power
Needs paint especially on hood and roof
Needs 4 four new tires. Existing tires were new in July 2005
Gas cap plastic strip broken off
Tailgate latch hard to close in cold weather
Tie rod end or idler arm needs replaced on passenger side
Windshield washer fluid holder for windshield in front has broken plastic strip for cap
Speedometer doesn't work. Plastic spindle part replaced twice and broke twice.
Rust holes in roof top
Rust in various locations of underside of body

Thank you narcissist for teaching me how not to cry

Thank you narcissist
for teaching me how not to cry

Crushing others reduces myself. Understanding, loving and empowering others increases myself.

Crushing others reduces myself. Understanding, loving and empowering others increases myself.

Men and women are going to refuse to go to war. I foresaw this many years ago. Want peace? Be peaceful

Men and women are going to refuse to go to war. I foresaw this many years ago. Want peace? Be peaceful. Money and power hungry can't control us. We are the majority.  Appreciate, accept, understand and love
differences in human beings the same way you
do with animals and material things.
Internet has connected us. When war is boycotted the majority maintain power of all of the people. Previous pseduo minority rulers are one for all, all for one or will not exist.

What would happen if restaurants charged 30% more for people who have a bmi body mass index of 30% or more?

What would happen if restaurants charged 30% more for people who have a bmi body
mass index of 30% or more?

Calculate Your BMI - Standard BMI Calculator

of course I would think of that
my bmi is 20.5
5'6"  127 lbs female / woman
age 54
race: human, caucasion white mixed

I used to run to you now I run from you

I used to run to you now I run from you.
My happiness disappears and my production goes down
when I am around you.
Spending, (I should say wasting), time with you has caused me
to feel depression, anger (unresolved and unreleased),
fear, paralysis, hopelessness, misery, thoughts of suicide,
feelings that maybe I am worthless, unwanted, unloved, hated,
rejected, stupid, ugly, crazy and any other negative death feeling
that exists.
To you the world is a dismal, gloomy, horrifying and doomed place.
Disasters, catastrophes, war, global warming, money, gold, silver,
banks and the uselessness of life fill your mind and dominate your
You are a full fledged narcissist, born and raised by a narcissist
with a family full of narcissists and there is little hope you will
ever change.
Your meaning of life is collecting money, working, paying bills,
feeding your physical self, using and deprecating people,
minimizing, criticizing, devaluing, destroying,
threatening, attempting to
control everyone and everything around you.

I like to do things I am able to do for people who are able to appreciate it. An ounce of appreciation with get you a ton of work and blessings.

I like to do things I am able to do for people who are able to appreciate it.
An ounce of appreciation will get you a ton of work and blessings.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

No, I am not good at multi-tasking. I am good at single minded focus.

No, I am not good at multi-tasking. I am good at single minded focus.
Focusing and concentrating at the task at hand, the thing I need to do at the moment.

I've always wondered if Santa was a spin-off of Satan. Were they somehow related?

I've always wondered if Santa was a spin-off of Satan. Were they somehow related?
Both are affiliated with the color red, greedy, gluttonous (look at Santa's gut),
materialistic, money minded, in a hurry travelling everywhere all at once, have
slaves (elves) working for them for next to nothing, driven around by animals with a
deeply cloven hoof/ split hooves, represented by fire
(coming down the chimney in the fireplace), desiring and
having innocent females/women especially virgins or virginal types
who are gullible and naive
enough to believe whatever they tell them.
Was Santa Clause and the whole fictional story dreamed up by the rich, the
wealthy, the ones with the most money in order to drive commerce so the
majority can fill the pockets of the rich? 

love spreading appeals to me naturally