Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My mother and grandmother taught me ethics, morals, to do the right thing even when no one is looking.

My mother and grandmother taught me ethics, morals, to do the right thing
even when no one is looking. I was born with a strong conscience so it
isn't hard for me to  be ethical.
The biggest challenges I have faced every day of my life are dealing
with unethical people. At work, at jobs, at home, in the family, in neighborhoods,
in public, on the phone, on the internet, everywhere imaginable.
My father was the center hub of the wheel of our family. He ran the show.
He was a 32nd degree mason. He didn't know a stranger. He was friendly
and talked to everybody like they were a natural human being.
He taught. He didn't preach. He understood.
He didn't act sympathetic and pity the poor.
He helped the poor.
He had empathy.
I made a lot of mistakes. He was there to help.
He explained things to me I did not understand.
Not once did he tell me I was a bad person.
Not once did he pass judgment upon me.
Not once did he ostracize me.
He had ten children and treated them all the same.
Tolerance, acceptance, compassion.
My parents and grandparents discipline/teaching/lessons
have made me free.

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Political and religious obsessed people

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