Friday, April 29, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016

proud of
working like a slave 50 to 70 hours a week
at a job i don't like for a boss i can't stand and
working with other employees i hate
buying things i don't need but think i need
because they are advertised and everyone else
is buying and doing it
spending top dollar, as much money as i can
for the most expensive things i can get

working less than 30 hours a week
enjoying family, friends, activities, hobbies
carefully watching and considering what i buy
how much money i spend
what i eat, what i drink, what i am putting into my body
not following trends but following myself
anger issues learn to calm yourself
controlling, managing, reducing anger is the most
important thing to do in life
find a job where i don't have to sit or stand for long periods of time
no lifting objects over ten pounds

no stooping

no squatting

doesn't require good vision

can use the bathroom immediately

no mean angry irate rude impolite demanding critical selfish
dictator or authoritarian type violent lying hateful jealous vicious
spiteful people: owners, boss, co-workers, employees, associates

only nice polite courteous congenial friendly loving understanding
empathetic people in work environment

can sit down lie down take a nap put my legs up rest easy to ease the pain
do yoga stretch move around dance circles in hips kick legs up once in awhile

have heat pad and tens unit handy

have hot tub immediately available for as long as i need it

have a masseuse or masseur available for as long as i need it

i would prefer a heterosexual masseuse or a homosexual masseur
as the massage is for health benefits and nothing else

eat or drink what i need at any moment

be outside in the open outdoors as much as possible preferably
barefoot and clothed in minimal items such as shorts skirts tankini summer tops
leather sandals if necessary

People cut me off from talking.
He says what I say but I am not heard, not listened to.
He speaks, others listen.
He speaks my words they think it is him and give praise to him not me

White flour, any flour, corn starch, thickening agent foods cause scum on my teeth, tartar buildup, indigestion, gastrointentinal problems, constipation with bouts of diarrhea, cellulite, inability to absorb nutrients, disruption of metabolism, glucose intolerance

White flour, any flour, corn starch, thickening agent  foods cause scum on my teeth, tartar buildup, indigestion, gastrointentinal problems, constipation with bouts of diarrhea, cellulite, inability to absorb
nutrients, disruption of metabolism, glucose

Questions to ask yourself. Do I really need it, want it, have to have it?

Questions to ask yourself. Do I really need it, want it, have to have it?

Do I really need it?
Do I really want it?
Do I have to have it?
Why do I need or want that?

Do I really want that because I want it


Do I want it just because I see it, saw it
Do I think I want it because I saw
someone else with it or doing it
Do I think I want it because it is advertised
Do I think I want it because "everyone" else has it or does it
Do I think I want it so I can impress other people
Do I want it because I have been convinced by others that I need it
Do I want it because everyone else wants it
Do I want it because I think it is the right thing to do
Do I want it because it makes me feel good
Do I want it because it makes someone else
happy or feel good

Do I want it because I want it

Monday, April 18, 2016

Spondylosis: What It Actually Means

Spondylosis: What It Actually Means

Spondylosis: What It Actually Means

Spinal Stenosis Symptoms

The symptoms of spinal stenosis depend on where the stenosis occurs in the spinal canal and how severe it is.
Symptoms caused by compression of the spinal cord are called myelopathy. These can include:
  • worsening balance,
  • falling,
  • dropping objects,
  • difficulty buttoning buttons or picking up small coins, and
  • loss of control of the bowel and/or bladder.
Symptoms caused by compression of the nerves are called radiculopathy. These can include:
  • pain,
  • numbness,
  • tingling, or
  • weakness along the path of the nerve being compressed.
When stenosis develops in the neck (cervical spine stenosis) there can be compression of the spinal cord and the nerves that travel into the arms and hands. This can cause symptoms of:
  • myelopathy,
  • numbness,
  • tingling,
  • weakness or cramping in the arms and hands.
When the stenosis develops in the lower back (lumbar spine stenosis) there is compression of the nerves that travel into the legs and feet. This can cause:
  • pain,
  • numbness,
  • tingling,
  • weakness or cramping in the legs and feet, particularly progressively with walking and being relieved with resting.
These symptoms are sometimes referred to as pseudoclaudication (false blockage) as they mimic the symptoms of inadequate circulation to the legs that is referred to as claudication. Continue Reading
Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 6/24/2015




Symptoms of neurogenic claudication

The symptoms of neurogenic claudication are most often felt in the calves, but can present in the hips, buttocks, thighs or feet. The symptoms can include:
  • Pain
  • Aches
  • Cramps
  • Discomfort
  • Fatigue

Treatment options for neurogenic claudication

Typically, conservative, nonsurgical methods of treatment are effective in managing the symptoms of spinal stenosis, including neurogenic claudication. Conservative treatments can include physical therapy, hot/cold therapy, pain medication, exercise and others. The purpose of conservative treatments is to relieve the pressure on the pinched nerve that is causing your pain without surgical intervention.
However, if these symptoms continue despite months of conservative therapy, spine surgery may be your next step for treatment.
At Laser Spine Institute, we allow our patients to approach spine surgery with peace of mind. Our minimally invasive spine surgery allows patients to experience a safer and more effective alternative to traditional open back surgery, while benefiting from shorter recovery times§ and lower risks of infection and complications.
Contact Laser Spine Institute today to see if you are a candidate for one of our minimally invasive spine surgeries to treat your neurogenic claudication. We can review your MRI report or CT scan and help you find the best treatment for your needs. 

Top 3 Causes of Sciatica

Top 3 Causes of Sciatica

Top 3 Causes of Sciatica

Sunday, April 17, 2016

A minute's success pays the failure of years. - Robert Browning

A minute's success pays the failure of years.  -  Robert Browning 

The Woman Makes the Man, Successful Man

The Woman Makes the Man, Successful Man

The First Lady Who Made Her Own Contraband Makeup

Saturday, April 9, 2016

"It is human nature to get depressed by setbacks, but it is a superhuman task to rise above your circumstances and rewrite your destiny. The one that stands erect and unfazed, in the face of adversity, ultimately leaves the footprints to success."
-- Author Unknown 
Is what you're eating eating you?
Not happy because I am ill.
Ill because I am not happy.

He has sympathy for strangers but not for me.

He has sympathy for strangers but not for me.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Monday, April 4, 2016

Work is not work unless you get paid money for doing it

Work is not work unless you get paid money for doing it.
Housework, being there, running errands, taking phone calls for the
significant other means nothing to them.

Many believe the only work worth anything is the job,
the career, what they get paid money for doing.

Taking unpaid housework for granted is wrong

Taking unpaid housework for granted is wrong

Why It Matters That Women Do Most of the Housework

love spreading appeals to me naturally