Saturday, April 23, 2016

find a job where i don't have to sit or stand for long periods of time
no lifting objects over ten pounds

no stooping

no squatting

doesn't require good vision

can use the bathroom immediately

no mean angry irate rude impolite demanding critical selfish
dictator or authoritarian type violent lying hateful jealous vicious
spiteful people: owners, boss, co-workers, employees, associates

only nice polite courteous congenial friendly loving understanding
empathetic people in work environment

can sit down lie down take a nap put my legs up rest easy to ease the pain
do yoga stretch move around dance circles in hips kick legs up once in awhile

have heat pad and tens unit handy

have hot tub immediately available for as long as i need it

have a masseuse or masseur available for as long as i need it

i would prefer a heterosexual masseuse or a homosexual masseur
as the massage is for health benefits and nothing else

eat or drink what i need at any moment

be outside in the open outdoors as much as possible preferably
barefoot and clothed in minimal items such as shorts skirts tankini summer tops
leather sandals if necessary

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