Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Got on inversion table May 16, 2016 first time in 4 or 5 years

Got on inversion table May 16, 2016 first time in 4 or 5 years
because he put it back in the living room.
Had to set the number to 4
Last time had to set number to 7 in order to go back and down
Husband/ spouse is at 10 and always has been since he got
the inversion table
Back hurt tremendously when I got up and still hurts alot
after using inversion table, heat pad, homemedics massager
Standing up holding myself up in front of an entertainment center
wooden structure thing that is supposed to be for a tv, which I don't have
I lie on heat/heating pad everyday at least twice a day
Height has shrunk from 5'6 1/2" to 5'5". Doctor measured height March 11, 2016
Is this really going to straighten out my back?
He has inversion table out in the garage surrounded by junk for the last year.
It was out in cold garage all winter almost inaccessible and it
stinks out in the garage, smelling of chemicals, gasoline, garbage solvents.
He says he will move it again out of the living room and it will end up
in the garage again where I can't use it so it does no good to have
a piece of exercise/ health equipment if you can't even use it.

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