Wednesday, May 25, 2016

narcissist narc comments talking on the telephone

narcissist narc comments talking on the telephone

what do you want me to say
what do you want me to do
i don't know what you want from me
i don't know what to say
i can't understand
i don't understand
she doesn't like the idea of blankety blank and i
don't want to deal with it
apologizes, says i'm sorry for things that are
not their fault
does not apologize or say i am sorry for deliberate hurtful things they say or do
does exactly what they want to do, invading your or
other's privacy, place, things, items
and may give fake apologies, saying i am sorry

change rules of game all of the time, constantly

confuse you: i love you, i care for you, i hate you, i can't stand you, get out of here, i am going to kick you out, i am going to find someone who works/blankety blank, etcetera, i am tired of you, tired of this
we are going to get a divorce

welcome to the narco world where you remain confused
you are less than , never as good as, solutions are not sought, problems are
not resolved
chaos ensues, arguments abound, discussions never happen,
your worth, value, energy and power are zapped
you are compared with others
you can't make decisions without intervention
your stuff, things, dreams, ideas, ethics, goals, are destroyed, stolen,
devalued, criticized, ridiculed, ignored, hated

the narc / narcissist laughs alot about the pain, suffering, humiliation, losses, grief,
torture of other life forms

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