Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Back pain. Lower back hurts so bad it feels like I got kicked in the back by a horse.

Back pain. Lower back hurts so bad it feels like I got kicked in the back by a horse.
Kicked in the back by a donkey.
A jack hammer did a number on my back.
Feels like someone took a 2x4 piece of wood and struck me on my back
as hard as they could several times.

Pain in calves of both legs and pain in feet.
At the moment as I write this standing and leaning
and almost everyday for years.

I stand up and lean against an entertainment center with laptop at arm and eye level
and move a little and stretch around trying to alleviate the pain.

It only hurts when I
stand still
lie down
(flat on my back
on my left side
on my right side
in the fetal position)
bend forwards
bend sideways
bend backwards
lean any direction
pick anything up
slow run
hang upside down on inversion table
do dishes
sit in a chair
recline in a chair
lay on the floor
lay on a bed
open the garage door
pick something up off of the floor
fix food/something to eat
do laundry
mow the grass (I only did once this summer. It is getting
harder more difficult to do using small push mower)
be on a computer
be on the cell / phone
drive a vehicle
sit or stand and eat food
do or not do anything

Simply put: my back hurts all of the time
regardless of the time or position or activity
or what I think, feel, say or do.

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