Thursday, September 14, 2017

Burning eyes today due to ragweed pollen. Hay fever allergy.

Burning eyes today due to ragweed pollen. Hay fever allergy.
Sneezing a lot, runny nose and itchy, watery, red and dry eyes.

I was diagnosed with hay fever (allergic rhinitis) by an allergist
when I was a child around age 11. I took allergy shots
every week for 3 years. This is what my maternal great grandmother had
and my mother and her mother (grandma) had.

Did an internet search for burning eyes tonight and
found out ragweed pollen count is extremely high here in Kansas City, Missouri
and various other places in the United States.
So I found out the cause after the fact/symptoms.

No, I don't take allergy medications. I would rather suffer the symptoms
of the allergies than the side effects of the medicine. ragweed pollen

Identify that Plant

Common Ragweed, Hay-Fever Culprit

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