Friday, December 28, 2018

Be nice to everyone. You never know if it will be the last time you see them.

Be nice to everyone. You never know if it will be the last time you see them.

I don't go out of my way to upset or shock people.
I am nice and polite, respectful. I open doors for people.
I am kind and considerate. Empathetic, sympathetic.

I don't want to be hated and treated bad.
I want to feel comfortable and liked around people/everyone.
I'd like to feel like a member of groups and the human race.

However I can't go along with a group or crowd of people
and agree with whatever they say and do just to be
a member of their group.

You can't go to Walmart and buy new body parts.

All it takes to ruin your life is one
jealous, lying, big mouth person that spreads rumors.

Cleaning and donating today. Feels great.

Cleaning and donating today. Feels great. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The individual will only go as far as the group it belongs to

The individual will only go as far as the group it belongs to
or the individual will only go as far as its group allows it to go.

In other words
I cannot succeed
I cannot survive
unless the others around me approve of and support my life and my success.

It must be perceived as a group support in order to survive.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

they were always trying to control each other

they were always trying to control each other
mom mother dad father fighting had it in for each other
grandma grandmother grandpa grandfather fighting had it in for each other
each one trying to push their beliefs and themselves upon the other

in the end they all remained themselves exactly as they were born
and environmentally influenced
and neither one changed the other into what they thought they should be


the news keeps me from living my life as i want to live it

the news keeps me from living my life as i want to live it
it will consume my thoughts if i allow it
by its words inducing feelings and emotions
it will take over my being through osmosis
if i pay attention to it

if i focus upon the news
it will eat up my life
it will steal the joy, the happiness
the meaning of life itself

it is a destroyer
it is destructive and time consuming
it never pays me back with money, good feelings,
internal motivation, intrinsic good feelings
and a desire to live a good life, to be happy and fulfilled

the news takes up my time and precious energy
directs my thoughts towards things i do not want
destroying my creativity, my ability to create what i want
and enslave me, making me a slave to what it wants by
controlling my thoughts

the news is a thief stealing the moment of now with
what happened in the past
destroying hope of happiness for the future

it is a robber, a burglar, a criminal robbing the mind
and creates a convict, felon, prisoner, prison inmate
because it is enslaved and desires to make others slaves like itself

it gives me nothing that feels good
it simply takes up my time
and laughs as it knows i suffer along with it
due to its lies and focus on negativity

Sarah Wilson-Stillwell

denying self expression of life is the worst crime

denying self expression of life is the worst crime
control controlling suppress suppressing
manipulating deceiving lying
blocking pushing shoving
hitting punching kicking slapping hurting stabbing shooting killing
maiming forcing
assault assaulting battery physical harm
mental oral verbal threats insults accusations
backhanded compliments
no compliments
no appreciation
no respect for the individual's feelings emotions needs wants desires


Friday, December 7, 2018

He can't hear you when his eyes are open.

He can't hear you when his eyes are open.

HIS Q: Why don't we have more xxx?

HIS Q:  Why don't we have more  xxx?

MY A:  We would have more xxx if you tame the snake,  the one in your
mouth and the other one.

Words mean something, tone of voice is everything.

November 23, 2018

Alone most of the time. Two 2 hours with husband today. Twenty two 22 hours alone.

Alone most of the time. Two 2 hours with husband today. Twenty two 22 hours alone.
What is this thing called steady that people expect us to be?
Who or what is "steady" as in motionless, unchanging, predictable, stagnant?

Why do I feel different every day?
One day I wake up feeling good and expecting positive things to happen.
The next day is gloomsday anticipating death.
Another day is neutrality like a zombie wondering if I am really still alive
or am I dreaming.


dwell definition

\ˈdwel  \
dwelled\ˈdweld Ëˆdwelt \ or dwelt\ˈdwelt  \dwelling

Definition of dwell 

1to remain for a timedwell in the hallway
2ato live as a residentthe town in which he dwelled for eight yearsthe dwelling place of the gods
bEXISTLIEwhere the heart of the matter dwells
3ato keep the attention directed used with on or upontried not to dwell on my fears
bto speak or write insistently used with on or uponreporters dwelling on the recent scandal

Other Words from dwell

dweller \ˈdwe-​lÉ™r  \ noun

love spreading appeals to me naturally