Saturday, March 30, 2019

"I don't want to lose you" he said yesterday.

"I don't want to lose you" he said yesterday.

I don't know why he said this and didn't ask. I am not going to
rack my brain with trying to find out why.  Just appreciate it and allow it to be.
Am noting this because it is not something I have heard him say before.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Monday, March 25, 2019

Living cheap How to live cheap How I survive in poverty

Living cheap How to live cheap How I survive in poverty

Tracfone one of the cheapest and most reliable cell phone carriers around
(100-135 per year)

No magazine subscriptions

No movie rentals

No monthly subscriptions

No cable tv

Don't go to the movies/theater/drive-in picture shows

Buy most clothes and any items used/previously owned  at thrift stores

Progressive auto insurance is very inexpensive

Do your own repairs: house, cars, lawn care, cleaning, maintenance

Grocery shop: buy basic staples on sale

Groceries: avoid prepared food, processed, junk snack items and drinks

Cook your own food

Avoid eating out. If you eat out,  use coupons and/or go to fast food restaurants

Pick up junk stuff off the side of the road

Pick up aluminum cans anytime you see them and take them to recycling
place for cash

Keep up with yourself not the Jones' or the neighbors

Buy the most basic things you need to get the job done
if a 30 dollar cell phone does all that you need why buy a 700 dollar phone?
a 2 dollar bottle of shampoo cleans your hair well why spend 35 dollars?
a 60 dollar printer works fine why buy a 600 model
a 2 or 3000 dollar used car is dependable and gets you around why buy a fancy car for 35 thousand?

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Right and wrong. Teaching kids and our selves the difference.

Right and wrong. Teaching kids and our selves the difference.

Coffee, Tea, herbal or other versus red bull. Which is better?

Coffee, Tea, herbal or other versus red bull. Which is better?

I like to write because

I like to write because

it is the opportunity to do what I am passionate about

sharing is very important to me

hardly anyone has the inclination, the desire or the time to listen
to all I have to say

writing is a brain spill in black and white
with no pictures or videos

doesn't include my appearance, voice, breath, or smell that would get in the way of the readers

I don't like being interrupted in the middle of a thought, statement, idea, realization or feeling

I don't need to have a live person present to agree with me

I don't need to hear commentary, disagreements, arguments, contradictions in the
middle of my expressions

I cannot be stopped

it allows full expression of the self

it is energizing and relaxing at the same time

Kids Are Genius

Kids Are Genius


don't know restrictions
don't know what no means

live in the now, the immediate environment
know what they want

are doggedly persistent, won't take no for an answer
incurably curious

listen and reflect/ repeat well
imitate to perfect degree

reflect their environment
express their current feelings now

are genuine, can't be fake phony or false
closely connected to the source energy they came from

completely in tune with their needs
are our past, present and future

Awareness of patterns and links emerge when experiencing understanding.

Awareness of patterns and links emerge when experiencing understanding.


Enlightenment is experiencing which results in understanding and wisdom.

Enlightenment is experiencing which results in understanding and wisdom.


Rote learning is memorizing, repeating and pretending like you know when you don't

Rote learning is memorizing, repeating and pretending like you know when you don't

Ignoring a thing can cause its death.

Ignoring a thing can cause its death.

Recognition and attention to a thing produces more of that thing.

Recognition and attention to a thing produces more of that thing.

Awareness induces results.

Awareness induces results.

Appreciation of a thing feeds and produces the result/fruit of that thing.

Appreciation of a thing feeds and produces the result/fruit of that thing.

Your success is determined by your supporters

Your success is determined by your supporters

do what you are passionate about and be in the right place
around the right people and you will be supported

if you are not doing your passion in the right place you will
not be supported and will likely die sooner than you would have


getting rid of things i don't need

getting rid of things i don't need
unsubscribing from things i don't need
that take up my time

deleting myself feels good
there is a big mess i have created
of signing up for all of these things

in order to create an income
to avoid being propositioned
due to other people's perception of my physical beauty
which i have tried to denounce, minimize


Pushing results in resisting. Allowing results in receiving.

Pushing results in resisting. Allowing results in receiving.

Imagination vs creativity: lies, truth, responsibility

Imagination vs creativity: lies, truth, responsibility
ownership of actions
must be taught and learned at young age by 4 or 5
child must understand completely the concepts
otherwise will become an adult
not knowing and being confused
about who is responsible for what

We are taught to think outside of our self instead of for our self

We are taught to think outside of our self instead of for our self

We are taught to give away our inner power to someone or something else
We are taught to attribute the results of our lives to "powers beyond our control"

We have been taught to give life to dead people, dead objects, inanimate material things
We fail to appreciate the energetic power in live beings

We are not living life as we choose when we hand our power over to other people
and things, allowing them to make our decisions for us

We have been told what to think and do, how to act and feel
at the hands of those who desire to control and manipulate the masses

Saturday, March 23, 2019

A full length mirror shows how you look to others. Use one daily.

A full length mirror shows how you look to others. Use one daily.

Look at this often so you can see how others see you.

All life instantly judges/determines what a thing is by the senses.
Sight. Sound. Smell. Hearing. Touch/feeling. Taste.

And the other senses I don't have a name for.

Procreation: the meaning and purpose of life.

Procreation: the meaning and purpose of life.
Is it luck or determination?

Life seeks pleasure and avoids pain.

Life seeks pleasure and avoids pain.

Hair, clothes, eyes. Things he noticed right away today, in that order.

Hair, clothes, eyes. Things he noticed right away today, in that order.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Is simplicity a lost art nowadays?

Is simplicity a lost art nowadays?
"Nothing is impossible when we follow our inner guidance, even when its direction may threaten us by reversing our usual logic."
-- Gerald Jampolsky


love spreading appeals to me naturally