Monday, March 25, 2019

Living cheap How to live cheap How I survive in poverty

Living cheap How to live cheap How I survive in poverty

Tracfone one of the cheapest and most reliable cell phone carriers around
(100-135 per year)

No magazine subscriptions

No movie rentals

No monthly subscriptions

No cable tv

Don't go to the movies/theater/drive-in picture shows

Buy most clothes and any items used/previously owned  at thrift stores

Progressive auto insurance is very inexpensive

Do your own repairs: house, cars, lawn care, cleaning, maintenance

Grocery shop: buy basic staples on sale

Groceries: avoid prepared food, processed, junk snack items and drinks

Cook your own food

Avoid eating out. If you eat out,  use coupons and/or go to fast food restaurants

Pick up junk stuff off the side of the road

Pick up aluminum cans anytime you see them and take them to recycling
place for cash

Keep up with yourself not the Jones' or the neighbors

Buy the most basic things you need to get the job done
if a 30 dollar cell phone does all that you need why buy a 700 dollar phone?
a 2 dollar bottle of shampoo cleans your hair well why spend 35 dollars?
a 60 dollar printer works fine why buy a 600 model
a 2 or 3000 dollar used car is dependable and gets you around why buy a fancy car for 35 thousand?

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