Friday, April 19, 2019

Getting MRI today. Ten years after the stabbing pain in my right side since 4-15-2009. 44 years of back pain.

Getting MRI today. Ten years after the stabbing pain in my right side since 4-15-2009.
44 years of back pain.

MRI Results

Procedure: MRI Spine Lumbar w/o Cont 72148
Reason for exam: lumbar pain
Comparison: Lumbar radiographs 4/3/2019.
Technique: Non contrast sagittal 4 mm T1-weighted, T2-TSE, T2 STIR images, axial 4 mm T1-weighted, T2-weighted images of the lumbar spine.
Findings: Image quality is mildly degraded by patient motion. Severe levoconvex scoliosis of the thoracolumbar spine, with apex angulation at the L2 level. Fatty replacement of bilateral paraspinal musculature.
The conus terminates at the T12-L1 level. Nerve roots are displaced towards the concavity of the curvature. Otherwise, there is no clumping or redundancy of the nerve roots of the cauda equina.
There is mild vertebral body height loss particularly of L1 and L2 along the concavity of the curvature. Otherwise, no acute compression deformity. There is moderate to severe disc space narrowing, most notably at T12-L1 through L2-L3, most pronounced along the concavity of the curvature. Remaining intervertebral discs are mild to moderately
narrowed with generalized disc desiccation throughout. There is trace 2 mm anterolisthesis of L2-L3. The L2 vertebral body is left laterally subluxed relative to the L3 vertebra by approximately 10 mm as noted on coronal series 5, image nine. There is trace 3 mm retrolisthesis of L3-L4, with moderate endplate edema. There is multilevel facet arthropathy. There is mild bilateral pedicle and facet edema most notably at L3-L4 and L4-L5 levels.
L1-L2: Mild disc bulge asymmetric to the right. Mild facet arthropathy. No spinal stenosis. Minor right neural foraminal narrowing.
L2-L3: Trace anterolisthesis. Mild disc bulge. Mild facet arthropathy. No significant spinal stenosis. No significant neural foraminal narrowing.
L3-L4: Trace retrolisthesis. Disc bulge with subtle annular fissure. Mild to moderate facet arthropathy and ligamentum flavum thickening. Mild facet joint fluid. Mild spinal stenosis. Mild to moderate left greater than right neural foraminal narrowing.
L4-L5: Circumferential disc bulge with annular fissure. Moderate facet arthropathy. Mild ligamentum flavum thickening. Mild facet joint fluid. Mild to moderate spinal stenosis particularly along the left lateral recess. Mild right and moderate left neural foraminal narrowing.
L5-S1: Mild disc osteophyte complex. Mild facet arthropathy. Mild spinal stenosis. Mild right and mild-to-moderate left neural foraminal narrowing.
Partially imaged colonic sigmoid diverticulosis and small uterine fibroids.
Impression: 1. Severe levoconvex curvature and scoliosis of the lumbar spine. 2. Multilevel spondylosis of the lumbar spine. Findings result in overall mild to moderate spinal canal stenosis most notably at L3-L4 and L4-L5, as detailed above.

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