Friday, May 7, 2021

Want everything and have nothing and no one.

Want everything and have nothing and no one.

Greed, lust, gluttony, power, control, impatience.
Anger. Short fuse.

Demanding immediate satisfaction and instant results.


Mean, meanness. Rude.

Driving too fast.

Lack of instrospection, self awareness.

Lacking responsibility for thoughts, words and actions;
blaming someone else at any opportunity.

Obsession with politics, money, things, sex, food...
overindulgence in any area.

Never have enough time, space or money beliefs.

Calling other people lazy.
Saying others are just making excuses. "There is no excuse for this"
therefore unable to understand reasons and unable to
comprehend why a thing is the way it is.

Pushing, forcing, shoving things and especially people and animals,
even plants to do what you want them to do.

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Political and religious obsessed people

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