Saturday, September 4, 2021

He is only aware of what is in the immediate environment at the moment. Impulsive. Short tempered. Quick fuse.

 He is only aware of what is in the immediate environment at the moment. Impulsive.
Short tempered. Quick fuse.

He takes advantage of whatever is there what happens to be laying around
any opportunity that he sees he grabs it right away.

He buys things that are premade. Dislikes anything that requires prepping,
preparing, putting things together for recipes.

He detests window shopping....wouldn't dream of it. Thinks he HAS to
buy something just because he entered a store. Doesn't like to just look
around for later. Has to have it NOW, whatever it is... be it an object,
a piece of food, sex, 

He puts things away the closest most convenient without much regard to order

I was the focus of interest due to easy availability for sex only. Nothing else mattered
or matters about me. The being I am is totally not important
and unimportant to him at all. 

I am disregarded as a separate unique human being with my own feelings, thoughts, emotions, wants, needs, desires....etcetera.  Literally told "I don't care what you

want, what you think. "

"Why would I do something I don't want to do?" he said again yesterday.
He refuses to do anything he dislikes and if he must do any thing at all he
does not like I never hear the end of it. 

He fabricates, modifies words according to people around he thinks are looking or
listening and cares most about what strangers, neighbors, anyone other than me
thinks. Always thinks someone is watching. 

My opinion is of no importance period. The media is most important takes top priority
just like what the neighbors think, anyone he doesn't live with he feigns respect for
their viewpoint, opinion but behind their back, behind everyone's back he 
slams them calls them stupid totally disrespects all people's ALL except for
mike lindell and donald trump

"What do you WANT ME TO SAY?" frequently comes out of his mouth

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