always complaining, whining, feeling like being cheated, left out
blaming, controlling, unhappy, miserable,
skeptical, moaning, whining,
threatening, terrorizing
never satisfied
belittle belittling belittler
chronically aggravated, agitated, irritated, upset, pissed off
and SAYS SO continually, daily, hourly, weekly, monthly, yearly
hates holidays, celebrations
disruptive, vicious, arrogant
hateful, mean, sarcastic, fearful, vengeful,
stingy, nitpicking, nitpicker, fault finding constantly
never aware of his own self voice, actions, always blaming me especially
for his own ass hole asinine bitching behavior
dislikes hates jealous of children
suspicious all of the time
lock all the doors always
feels like being watched worried about it paranoid to the max maximum
pushing bad feelings upon me as if I am supposed to feel bad,
My self worth should equal NOTHING
sad, unworthy, not good enough, no one would want me and that I
"SHOULD" feel and think and do whatever he thinks, which is NEGATIVE
99.9% of the time
the world is a TERRIBLE place, he constantly says
People are out to get you, out for themselves
malcontent definition
Synonyms & Antonyms of malcontent (Entry 1 of 2)
having a feeling that one has been wronged or thwarted in one's ambitions
she seems like a very malcontent person, always acting as if the entire world were out to get her
Synonyms for malcontent
aggrieved, discontent, discontented, disgruntled, displeased, dissatisfied
Words Related to malcontent
disappointed, disenchanted, disillusioned, frustrated, unfulfilled
disquieted, disturbed, perturbed, upset
dejected, depressed, despairing, despondent, disconsolate, doleful, down, downcast, downhearted, forlorn, hangdog, inconsolable, joyless, low-spirited, miserable, mournful, sad, sorrowful, unhappy
Phrases Synonymous with malcontent
out of joint
Near Antonyms for malcontent
blissful, delighted, glad, happy, joyful, joyous
elated, exultant, jubilant, triumphant
Antonyms for malcontent
content, contented, gratified, pleased, satisfied
malcontent noun
Synonyms & Antonyms of malcontent (Entry 2 of 2)
1as in crab, grump
Synonyms & Near Synonyms for malcontent
crab, grump
bawler, bleater, moaner, screamer, squawker, wailer, weeper
baby, bellyacher, complainer, crybaby, fussbudget, fusser, fusspot, griper, grumbler, kvetch, kvetcher, sniveler, whiner
Antonyms & Near Antonyms for malcontent
happy camper
2as in extremist, discontent
Synonyms & Near Synonyms for malcontent
discontent, extremist, radical
anarch, anarchist
challenger, defier, insubordinate, oppositionist, recusant, refuser, resistant, resister
insurgent, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, mutineer, rebel, red, revolter, revolutionary, revolutionist
Antonyms & Near Antonyms for malcontent
loyalist, patriot, supporter
counterinsurgent, counterrevolutionary, counterrevolutionist
3as in misanthrope, naysayer
Synonyms & Near Synonyms for malcontent
cynic, misanthrope, naysayer, pessimist
belittler, critic, derider, detractor, scoffer
doubter, negativist, skeptic
defeatist, quitter
misandrist, misogynist
Antonyms & Near Antonyms for malcontent
optimist, Pollyanna, positivist
idealist, sentimentalist
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“Malcontent.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Sep. 2021.
Malcontent - definition of malcontent by The Free Dictionary
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(ˌmæl kənˈtɛnt)adj.
Noun | 1. | malcontent - a person who is discontented or disgusted individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do" caviler, caviller, quibbler, pettifogger - a disputant who quibbles; someone who raises annoying petty objections |
Adj. | 1. | ![]() discontent, discontented - showing or experiencing dissatisfaction or restless longing; "saw many discontent faces in the room"; "was discontented with his position" |
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