Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Men spend countless money on items for themselves often denying family members things they want or need

MEN: they spend massive amounts of money on large ticket items
(property,land, cars, autos, automobile, trucks, machinery, 
stereo equipment, tvs, televisions, big screen, house, home, living quarters,
furniture, tools, equipment..

and any item they want and use 
often or not
to satisfy their sexual desires
(magazines :adult porn/pornography/naked pictures of people especially female girls women,
videos, movies, vhs, vcr, dvd, internet viewing of such things,
"titty" bars, restaurant, adult establishment businesses or street
walkers and whores prostitutes, sluts, tramps, vamps,
or young or old innocent or not people or any other type of animal to
get what they want

often they are buying high price things

while denying their family spouse wife girlfriend 

kids children any member of the household

things they want or need even 

inexpensive items (such as clothes, shoes, furniture, office items,

decor, decorative things....)

i know this because i have experienced it repeatedly

with current husband previous former men and see it often
and hear about it from other women when they tell me their
boyfriend/husband/spouse, significant other gets upset,
angry, mad about them wanting to have items and they
the man/men tell her that they can't afford it,
don't need it, that it is nor something they need

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