Monday, October 31, 2022

The p and the d

 They , the males

want the p

he would die for it, the chance to get back HOME in there

they run after it, starved for the possibility of getting in there 

and staying as long as possible

The d is optional for the F

She decides which M gets the P

IF HE gets any P

then he's a lucky MF

she could cut it off at any moment 

leaving him sitting by himself

grabbing his D

wishing he was in th P

not getting any

due to his AHOLE self Undesirable NASTY self


 ..what I am

regardless of what I have, who I know, where I go, what I do

material things and money that I temporarily own

I identify myself with me; this is the I am

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Does a man male boy have only one queen in his life?

Would the queen bee be...........

mother, wife friend gf girlfriend/fiance

mate  partner

NOTICED this phenonmenon amongst many men I know and have known

IF wife / girl is treated as THE queen, then mother is NOT , Mom is SHIT

IF mother is QUEEN then wife if SHIT

He treats wife like queen and mother like crap

He treats mother like queen and wife like crap

Stay out of people's a person personal choice and business. Quit telling others what to think, say do or feel

 Because each one is unique.

the individual has personal preferences and choices

Anyone or thing that steals your happiness is wrong

It's not the morphine its the size of the cage Rat park experiment

A traumatized womans face. Hideous result of constant war battles.

 October 28, 2022

Age 61 born in July 1961


Saturday, October 29, 2022

Walmart day I'll go there to get a new back bone spine. Body parts will be sold there.

 I've been saying that for many years. 

Maybe I you or we can buy people there too 

Iike a new set of parents,  s few kids, a spouse or two 

Ugly old woman. Unwanted by most. Loved by one person my grandson for now.

 He's 8 years old. Won't be long he'll learn to hate me as they teach him to do. 

Dumping ground dormat slavepet sex hole doll dimwit stupid idiot: How i am treated throughout life

What other people want is top priority; what matters most

People that love me are? Children, nice spiritual people. Animals love me.










any race religion ethnic background

natural, real

Brown coffee. I called it when I was 5 years old. Dad made me some with milk and sugar.

Things that matter: Priorities

 Material things and money  


Nonmaterial Spirit Source energy

Mammon or God ?

Command or demand respect?

Thursday, October 20, 2022

I look the Devil in the face daily and don't strike back. I remain calm

I praise loudly; I blame softly." -- Queen Catherine II

 Your Daily Quotation:

"I praise loudly; I blame softly."

-- Queen Catherine II

How to be classy: 20 tips that make all the difference

How to be classy: 20 tips that make all the difference 

How to be classy: 20 tips that make all the difference

Usually, our behavior is modeled after our parents’. So, if you only saw lying, backstabbing, cheating, or any other kind of bad behavior in your childhood, don’t worry. It’s never too late to transform yourself into a highly classy individual.

Just remember these tips, and try to emulate them in your own life. Start small, and come back to them often. You can’t change all at once. But every time you make a conscious effort to remember these traits, they’ll become a part of who you are and the way you project yourself to the world.

So here’s how to be classy, in the subtlest and most powerful ways!

1. Don’t create drama

Unfortunately, some people thrive on drama. They will lie, pick fights, and say or do anything to get people riled up. But that’s not classy. If you want to know how to be classy, don’t go creating drama. Just don’t. [Read: Attention seeking behavior and why some people go looking for drama]

2. Stay away from drama

Okay, so many you’re not a drama creator, but if you even participate in drama, then that’s not classy. Perhaps your friend passes on a story about another mutual friend, and then you both decide to hold a grudge. That’s not classy. Don’t hang around people who create drama, and certainly participate or pass it on.

3. Dress tastefully

The media tells women that we need to dress “sexy” or “slutty” to gain a man’s attention. Well, that’s just bull. Sometimes, less is more. Don’t show up to a job interview or a first date looking like a call girl. Dress like you respect yourself and that you feel like you have nothing to prove with your body. [Read: How to be sexy, look sexy and feel sexy without ever trying too hard]

4. Be polite

Ahhhh, what ever happened to saying “please” and “thank you?” What happened to opening and holding doors for random strangers?

These basic etiquette are slowly becoming a thing of the past *or so it seems*. Don’t be selfish – think about others and have behaviors toward them that is polite. [Read: 15 tips to be nice and loved by all in just a couple of minutes]

5. Be respectful

Just because you are a liberal and your friend is a conservative, that doesn’t give you the right to trash them and their beliefs. Everyone deserves respect, so always remember that.

Treat the CEO of your company just the same way you do the janitors – or a homeless person. If you want to know how to be classy, this is definitely one you can’t forget.

6. Don’t be jealous

I know… jealousy is a natural human emotion. However, that doesn’t mean you have to talk about it or act upon it. Classy people keep it to themselves or share it with a very close friend. They don’t go raging on about their jealousy. That’s just not cool. Or classy. [Read: The subtle signs of a jealous friend you may not always recognize]

7. Be happy

You might not think happiness is part of learning how to be classy. But happy people have no need to prove themselves to others. And because of that, they don’t have to resort to doing anything that might embarrass themselves just to get attention. [Read: 13 happy things you need for a perfectly happy life]

8. Have passions

If you want to know how to be classy, have some passions! If you don’t have any, then just try things out. Everyone will find a passion eventually. Classy people have a sense of purpose, and they follow their passions.

9. Watch your body language

Many times, people aren’t even aware of the messages they send to others via their body language. But classy people are more conscious of it. They restrain themselves from rolling their eyes or getting too touchy-feely on the first date if it’s inappropriate. [Read: The classy girl’s guide to be more attractive to men]

10. Don’t jump on the bandwagon

There will always be fads and trend that are cool and fun to try. But just because all of your friends are doing something, wearing something, or saying something doesn’t mean you have to as well. Be your own person and think about your actions before you jump on the bandwagon.

11. Don’t post too many thirst traps

Everyone’s on social media, and posting selfies and keeping everyone updated on our personal lives has become a kind of norm these days. [Read: The most obvious thirst trap signs that scream “I want attention”]

But are you taking it to the next level by posting several thirst traps all the time? Sorry to offend anyone who does this, but research shows that one of the reasons they do it is to seek attention. If you want to know how to be classy, then stop making it all about yourself. [Read: What is a thirst trap and what it says about your self-esteem]

12. Have empathy

Speaking about making it all about yourself, classy people also have empathy for others. Even if they don’t agree with what other people say or do, they still express that they understand their point of view. When learning how to be classy, this is one of the vital characteristics you must possess.

13. Have self-confidence

Many people think that being self-confident is cocky or arrogant. But it’s not. The people who come across as cocky or self-loving are the ones who really don’t feel good about themselves.

Classy people just have a vibe they give out to the world that shouts, “I’m a great person, I love myself, but I have no need to announce it to the whole world.” [Read: How to build self-confidence – 16 ways to realize you’re worth it]

14. Don’t ever lose your cool

Emotions are hard to control, and some find it even more difficult than others. But even when you are angry at someone, you will want to remain calm so you don’t say or so something you’ll regret.

Take a break and walk away if you can’t do it in the moment. Don’t let your emotions rule your life and ruin your relationships.

15. Be authentic

Everyone can spot a fake person from a mile away. And being fake isn’t classy. If you’re always trying to be someone you’re not, ask yourself why you are doing that? Just be authentic. Be yourself. Be honest. All of those things are vital if you want to know how to be classy. [Read: How to recognize fake people and stay away from them]

16. Be true to yourself

What I mean by this is that you should stay true to your values and beliefs. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do.

Don’t be a people-pleaser or a doormat. Know your personal boundaries, and don’t be afraid to kindly and gently tell people when they have crossed over them. [Read: People pleaser – 20 common signs most people just don’t see]

17. Surround yourself with positive people

Positivity breeds positivity. And classiness breeds classiness. So, if you’re hanging out with a crowd of people who don’t love themselves, create drama, participate in drama, and always lose their cool, chances are that you will end up being like that.

So, you need to find people who are classy, so you can all be classy together. [Read: 25 types of bad friends you need to unfriend right away]

18. Think before you speak

Your mom probably told you this a hundred times growing up, but it’s true. Once you say something, you can’t take it back. We all get upset, but that doesn’t mean we have to blurt out every negative thing that comes to our mind.

19. Don’t gossip

Gossip is potentially hurtful. Whether the gossip is true or false, you are still talking about other people, and they may not appreciate it. So, don’t listen to gossip, and for heaven’s sake, don’t pass it on even if you do hear it. [Read: 14 surefire ways to keep it classy at a party]

20. Take personal responsibility

If you want to know how to be classy, this one is the foundation of it all. Don’t blame other people. Instead, look within yourself and own up to your actions and words. It’s not easy for a lot of people to do, but it sure is classy.

How to be a classy person who exudes confidence and charm

Use these tips to transform yourself, one day at a time. Don’t ever mistake being classy for attire, it’s a quick trick that’s only one page of the book. And you’ll find yourself even more annoyed because you’re not getting the attention and respect you demand from others.

Instead, try to become a classy person from within. Do that, and no matter where you are or how you dress, you’ll always be the cynosure of everyone’s eye, and receive the respect and admiration that’ll come your way naturally.

Taking the high road is always preferable when you want to transform yourself into a classy person. So, if you want to know how to be classy, just follow these tips, and you’ll be on the right track.

He she is the bomb. I remain calm

 which makes him even madder

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Frequently taking my food away from home or going into my bedroom to eat in peace for years

 stomach in knots at almost every mealtime at home due to his anger mean fits tantrums outbursts yelling criticism threats cheapness bitching about how much food i eat and i go to food pantries get free food since january 2012 and did get food stamps until the fall of 2021 for a little over a year

gastritis and duodenitis diagnosis from dr ahmen back in 2016 which is ulcers i had for many years causing horrible pain in my right side and middle of my gut

What I have experienced is The sex isn't worth it.

 45 years of having sex since I was 15 in 3 marriages where the sex is great but the other treatment is all about control domination power theft humiliation 

Godless men indeed who care mostly about themselves

Just had a Vision of his past after he displays anger at me frustrated pissed ticked off about foundation repairs needed at house 

costs too much 26,000 estimate from foundation company
house is semi bad neighborhood
not worth it to spend that much on it never get your money back if when it sells
don't have the money
can't do it all by himself
doesn't want to hire anyone else
thinks he can do it but takes a long time and is very hard work

his father and mother fretting worrying 

neither one of them doesn't /don't know what to do when a situation arises

something is missing

something is broken

needs fixed repaired replaced

so frustration leads to blaming the closest person and/or people around

to take their anger out on

because they can't figure out what to do

because they are broke poor dumb and ignorant

proud and paranoid

can't let anyone in the house for fear of stealing thieves

Needs now

 Home house safe all the time 

New vehicle

 Calm peaceful life  



Back surgery 

Justice system doesn't work 

Therapy from anyone doesn't work. The other person won't seek help doesn't think he has problems, blames me for anger and vengefulnus and bad attitude 

I'll be the last person you ever hurt I said 10-19-2022 Wednesday

 I'll be the last person you ever hurt I said

After he faux choked me then grabbed me and shoved my back into the stand up deep freezer in the kitchen at our house Tonight. 

My eyeglasses fell off my head as he pushed shoved shook me. I caught them and my glasses were twisted in my right hand 

No marks were left on my body

Same old tired worn out rat wheel pattern endlessly spinning and getting nowhere 

When I got back home tonight after all of that physical confrontration from him I said one thing is you're probably not sleeping well (trying to justify, pacify, soothe, making excuses for him to justify the bad behavior. It doesn't work...ever)

He says If you werent so MEAN to me ...

When the fact is he is very mean to me

nasty tone of voice, nasty mean words, hateful attitude, negative outlook on almsot everyone and everything in life

told him earlier he was blameshifting and projecting his own behavior upon me and that 
his mother was a troublemaker, made it very difficult for anyone to live with her and that is exactly what he does so he said that I am the difficult one and I am the troublemaker

 I'll be the last person you ever hurt I said and outside the house in the driveway I said that again and he said OH who's gonna hurt me, clayton, your son or ricky?? I said No I don't know who it will be but it's not them. Of course they won't do a damned thing to him because he has befriended both of my sons and neither will defend me in any way. They stick up for him and act like I am doing something wrong.

in fact anyone that he has met has convinced them of his niceness, his great level headed opinions and work on anything so he gets by with saying or doing virtually anything to me and there is nothing I can do about it.

Never be afraid to tread the path alone. Know which is your path and follow it wherever it may lead you; do not feel you have to follow in someone else's footsteps." -- Eileen Caddy

 Your Daily Quotation:

"Never be afraid to tread the path alone. Know which is your path and follow it wherever it may lead you; do not feel you have to follow in someone else's footsteps."

-- Eileen Caddy

Monday, October 17, 2022

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Efficient efficiency

 Efficient efficiency 


1. Dump the trash

2. Have necessary things

3. Attention to what you're doing

4. FOCUS: No distractions

5. Stick with it (what you are doing at the moment)

until you're finished before going to next project /dute//acitivity/chore

6. Concise exact precise 







Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around." -- Henry David Thoreau

 Your Daily Quotation:

"Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around."

-- Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Miracle am still alive and halfway healthy


Could be dead like my next door neighbor Wendy

Or in serious ly bad health like Debbie 

Who used to live in the s ame house as Wendy

Or any other person 

Fancy cleaners versus basic cleaning products

 It's all about the money. Your choice. Spend lots of money of items for specific cleaning chores or use simple and cheap things to get the job done

incorrigible Today's word and lesson for my grandson and me

 in·cor·ri·gi·ble  (ĭn-kôr′ĭ-jə-bəl, -kŏr′-)


1. Incapable of being corrected or reformed: an incorrigible criminal.

2. Firmly rooted; ineradicable: incorrigible faults.

3. Difficult or impossible to control or manage: an incorrigible, spoiled child.


One that cannot be corrected or reformed.

What I can do daily determines my life

 What I can do for at least 4 hours everyday physically, mentally and emotionally  as a job, a career 

physical mental emotional activities 

sustained on a daily basis 

What I am capable of handling continually in the long run

not  many things I can only do for a short period

It's not education status diplomas certificates

not intelligence or awareness 

It is about sustainability. Being able to sustain and handle stuff every single day and still maintain health and sanity.

love spreading appeals to me naturally