Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I'll be the last person you ever hurt I said 10-19-2022 Wednesday

 I'll be the last person you ever hurt I said

After he faux choked me then grabbed me and shoved my back into the stand up deep freezer in the kitchen at our house Tonight. 

My eyeglasses fell off my head as he pushed shoved shook me. I caught them and my glasses were twisted in my right hand 

No marks were left on my body

Same old tired worn out rat wheel pattern endlessly spinning and getting nowhere 

When I got back home tonight after all of that physical confrontration from him I said one thing is you're probably not sleeping well (trying to justify, pacify, soothe, making excuses for him to justify the bad behavior. It doesn't work...ever)

He says If you werent so MEAN to me ...

When the fact is he is very mean to me

nasty tone of voice, nasty mean words, hateful attitude, negative outlook on almsot everyone and everything in life

told him earlier he was blameshifting and projecting his own behavior upon me and that 
his mother was a troublemaker, made it very difficult for anyone to live with her and that is exactly what he does so he said that I am the difficult one and I am the troublemaker

 I'll be the last person you ever hurt I said and outside the house in the driveway I said that again and he said OH who's gonna hurt me, clayton, your son or ricky?? I said No I don't know who it will be but it's not them. Of course they won't do a damned thing to him because he has befriended both of my sons and neither will defend me in any way. They stick up for him and act like I am doing something wrong.

in fact anyone that he has met has convinced them of his niceness, his great level headed opinions and work on anything so he gets by with saying or doing virtually anything to me and there is nothing I can do about it.

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