Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Avoidance behavior

 We do lots of things to avoid taking action to solve issues ongoing or otherwise

wrap your mind up into any type of thing so you don't have to take care of current or future issues

watch tv

listen to some thing some where that has nothing to do with immediate daily life activities that are effiicient therefore productive

watch vids on the internet

watch, look and watch things some more so you can criticiize the fukkk hell out of those stupid idiots that dont know how to do anything therefore making yourself believe you are superior smarter than others while you sit there in a big mess of confusion not solving your own basic needs 

make excuses

pretend like you don't know about a thing

pretend like you cant do anything about such and such

fake it to the maximum

complain you dont have enough money

you dont know the right people

you cant do anything to change a damn thing about much.. believe you dont have a choice 

believe you are stuck

maintain rut rutful thinking 

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