Thursday, November 3, 2022

Mammon money material worshippers

 wants to impress

put on good impression 

nice face (which is fake)

status is of utmost importance

cares what strangers think

concerned about the neighbors and what they see think and do

does not care what i think or people or person that lives with them such as spouse child 

feelings do not matter regarding spouse, those who live in the same house

do not have to respect those close in the home yet

demand respect and total compliance from the people in the home

grabs things out of my hand when i am trying to figure out how to do something

violates personal boundaries consistently yet won't tolerate same 

throws shit on feelings wants desires like preferences of those in the home

restricts others and demands total freedom of the self

perfect looking hair OR cuts it all off so they don't have to groom it

CASh preferred payment method, NO tracking, no accountability, NO TRACE, not trackable,

suspicious distrusts mistrusts others due to knowing the self is not trustworthy

expects everyone else esp household to be agreeable totally compliant with them yet will be intolerant inflexible and demanding of others 

blows a gasket over anything i do 
yells at me for "cooking too much food" or I don't cook, only cook a couple times a week
and has 90 percent or so of house filled up with his stuff 
as if  i am not to spend any money, not eat, not have things i want do things i like have anything because "it's expensive, costs too much money"

has zero interest in my mental physical or emotional health
says doctors are out to rip people off
all the ads are out to get your money

blocks me out doesn't want to see or hear me and puts on headphones to hear outside media world and stares at screens or any other thing when possible

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