Tuesday, March 4, 2025


 Anything i need to do must be done on the sly around him otherwise i would starve to death

Shopping, gasoline, food, writing, reading, dancing, walking at parks or anywhere, malls, grocery, walmart, cvs, thrift, ebay, walgreens, doctor visits, phone talking

Strangers are only ones i communicate with

Trump and media is his life and family

When trust is gone relationship is over

He wants media input not real life conversations

Argument conversation. Both are right in their viewpoint

things that make me beautiful

 freedom of mind and movement of my body



basking in the sun

dancing anytime i feel like it

moving things around

walking shopping parks 


writing drawing sketching

interacting with nice people

eating great good food in peace

balance harmony

acceptance of the all 

I am a window open..... He is a door blocking

Saw people today while out shopping

 A couple in love at best buy. man and woman employees. Dark haired male blonde female obvious he adored her. He wouldnt take his eyes off her. Showed her something on his phone. She watched it. Then they hugged embraced. How beautiful. A thing I wish I had.

Adorable little girl stretching around on the floor at checkout lane at walmart. That is like me exercising and dancing.

Smiling man door greeter at walmart. Last time i saw him he said i like that color of nail polish. It was a rosy metallic pinkish red.

Lovely lady dressed in pink swirl pattern pullover top black pants pink tennis shoes.

Gorgeous young lady very long black hair wavy below ears at victorias secret lees summit missouri. Helpful kind. Petite little. Told me i could find hosiery leggings thigh highs at dillards independence center.

Angry faced cussing he said fuck 

old grey haired man twisted face of hate well built thick muscular body on cycle at the gym. I wonder if he realized how ugly he was being and that a nice body wont cut it as the only attraction to women.

Very nice lady working at goodwill thrift store lees summit. She helped me dump a huge box of clothes. She said i like your fingernails. I like that color.  I said thank you, you made my day. I told her i bought the polish wet n wild fast dry at cvs a few days ago.

Cvs pharmacist lady very nice.

Seems like i am not supposed to talk about anybody yet everyone else can do it

 and that is what I have done since i started talking 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Fixed in thinking and habits

 Food remains same. No changes

Types of videos watched same

Music preferences same

Furniture stays in one place

Has sex same way most of the time

Changes in scenery location not liked

Movement of objects in house or business not liked unless he she does it

Sees no need to change things

Dislikes deep cleaning house bathroom kitchen garage bedroom basement because requires moving everything in room

Surface spot cleans isolated small areas

Upset easily if i change my hair 

Upset if i change clothes esp when out not at home

Watches people closely esp those not living in house

Yes, Sarah" said in tone "I already know that" and "I don't need to hear it" condescending...have heard it many times from certain people

 Mike says it often. John Layson said it in response to many things I said. They already "know" but really don't realize exactly what I am saying. In regards to any little thing I point out. 
John has been dead almost  2 years now since May 9, 2023. 

others I knew reacted the same way. Rick, a person I worked with at the flea market also reacted by throwing his business credit card at me when I told him he was racking up charges on it and expected me to pay it. along with all 3 of them running me ragged and ruining my credit back in 2008, 9, and 2010 is when I couldn't keep up anymore with paying bills they created

all of these people are obsessed with politics. zealots, in fact. 

insignificant unimportant in real life and identifying themselves with "higher up" high status government and rulership

disregarding input from me and other females around them .. yet desiring the most perfect of women, the dream girl and not being attractive to women per se

hoarders, making messes often and some not cleaning up after themselves expecting me or someone else to do it 

they believe having lots of material things and money is the way to be. stockpiling as much stuff as they can get. electronics stereo amplifiers speakers boom boxes, televisions, radios, the bigger and louder the better. this causes hearing damage and who knows what to their vision. 

they eat any food they can get if it is fast and tastes good, disregarding how healthy it is. baked goods, pastries, candy, cookies, cake. artificially flavored and colored food and drinks coffee tea sweet drinks. fried. 

constantly watching videos, tv shows, movies

filling their brains with world news and what everyone else is doing instead of paying strict attention what they are thinking and doing at each moment

My messes are the only thing I am responsible for. I clean up after myself.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

He was always there

 and I did not realize it until now. 
I found his handwritten letter from september 22, 1986.
I had left, gone somewhere don't remember where I was that day. I had left him because of his ways and I thought he didn't love me. I was wrong. Oh, so very wrong. 

HE IS STILL THERE... watching. listening. waiting. and probably longing..

love spreading appeals to me naturally