Friday, July 11, 2014

recognizing understanding and dealing with mentally insane unstable psychotic neurotic
schizophrenic paranoid hebephrenic catatonic mixed schizos suffering from
hallucinations delusions delusional fantasy fantastic false beliefs lies
unable to recognize differences between truth and lies
continually professes states I don't understand, I can't understand why
doesn't know how to be happy internally instead relies on external material
things money objects items in visual area what they see with their eyes not
feelings ideas emotions self generated
angry suffers from anger
jealous envy envious
did not have examples of happy people when growing up, especially mother
doesn't want other people to be happy
bitches complains ridicules uses name calling threats
prejudiced against any differences
judges others judgemental opinionated
maintains false beliefs in untruths lies even when shown facts
electrical circuitry in brain is wired to hate not understand use force
humiliation verbal physical assault abuse violence to take what they want get
their way
happy to see people suffer
has to have everything their way
rarely or never gives anyone else credit for anything good
denies accomplishments work tasks intelligence ability to understand in others
thinks they have all the answers, only they know it all, gives self credit for
any thing they see as good beneficial

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Political and religious obsessed people

 I know some of them and they are insane beyond repair They started out young teens and twenties and the zealotry intensified over the years...