Friday, July 11, 2014

Narcissistic Personality Diagnosis

Narcissistic Personality Diagnosis

Narcissistic Personality Diagnosis

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Diagnostic Criteria

    The Fourth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders/Text Revised (DSM-IV-TR) lists nine traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, for which a person must exhibit five or more for diagnosis. In summation, these traits are grandiose sense of self, an attitude of arrogance, feelings of entitlement, lack of empathy, demanding of admiration, exploitation of others, frequently envious or thinking others are envious of her, considering himself "privileged" and belonging with those of a high social status and believing fantasies of power and perfection are a reality. While it appears that a person with NPD has an over-inflated sense of self, this disorder may stem from low self-esteem or early childhood abuses.

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Political and religious obsessed people

 I know some of them and they are insane beyond repair They started out young teens and twenties and the zealotry intensified over the years...