Wednesday, February 18, 2015

9 Signs You're An Old Soul ⋆ LonerWolf:

9 Signs You're An Old Soul ⋆ LonerWolf:

9 Signs You're An Old Soul ⋆ LonerWolf:

9 Signs You're An Old Soul
 1#   You tend to be a solitary loner.

Because old souls are disinterested in the pursuits and interests of the people in their age groups, they find it dissatisfying to make friends with people they find it hard to relate to.  This is one of the major problems Old Souls experience.  The result is ... old souls tend to find themselves alone a lot of the time.  People just don't cut it for them.

2#   You love knowledge, wisdom and truth.

Yep ... this seems a little grandiose and overly noble, but the old soul finds himself naturally gravitating towards the intellectual side of life.  Old souls inherently understand that knowledge is power, wisdom is happiness and truth is freedom, so why not seek after those things?  These pursuits are more meaningful to them than reading up on the latest gossip about Snooki's latest boyfriend, or the latest football scores.
3#   You're spiritually inclined.

More emotional old souls tend to have sensitive and spiritual natures.  Overcoming the confines of the ego, seeking enlightenment - as modeled by the Awakened Souls - and fostering love and peace are the main pursuits of these young-in-body Mother Teresa's.  To them it seems the wisest, most fulfilling use of time

4#   You understand the transience of life.

Old souls are frequently plagued with reminders of not only their own mortality, but that of everything and everyone around them.  This makes the old soul wary and at times withdrawn, but wisely dictates the way they live their lives.
5#   You're thoughtful and introspective.

Old souls tend to think a lot ... about everything.  Their ability to reflect and learn from their actions and those of others is their greatest teacher in life.  One reason why old souls feel so old at heart is because they have learnt so many lessons through their own thought processes, and possess so much insight into life situations from their ability to quietly and carefully observe what if going on around them.

6#   You see the bigger picture.

Rarely do old souls get lost in the superficial details of getting useless degrees, job promotions, boob jobs and bigger TV's.  Old souls have the tendency to look at life from a birds eye view, seeing what is the most wise and meaningful way to approach life.  When confronted with issues, old souls tend to see them as temporary and passing pains that merely serve to increase the amount of joy felt in the future.  Consequently, old souls tend to have placid, stable natures as a result of their approach to life.
7#   You aren't materialistic.

Wealth, status, fame, and the latest version of iPhone ... they just bore old souls.  The old soul doesn't see the purpose of pursuing things that can be easily taken away from them.  Additionally, old souls have little time and interest for the short-lived things in life, as they bring little meaning or long lasting fulfillment for them.
8#   You were a strange, socially maladaptive kid.

This is not always the case, but many old souls exhibit odd signs of maturity at young ages.  Often, these children are labelled as being "precocious", "introverted", or "rebellious", failing to fit into the mainstream behaviors.  Usually, these children are extremely inquisitive and intelligent, seeing the purposelessness of many things their teachers, parents and peers say and do, and either passively or aggressively resisting them.  If you can talk to your child like he/she's an adult - you've probably got an old soul on your hands.
9#   You just "feel" old.

Before putting a name to what I felt, I experienced certain sensations of simply being an "old person" inside.  The feelings that accompany being an old soul are usually: a feeling of world wariness, mental tiredness, watchful patience, and detached calmness. Unfortunately, this can often be perceived as being aloof and cold, which is only one of many Old Soul Myths.

Just as some old people describe themselves as being "young at heart", so too can young people be "old at heart".

Are you an old soul?  I'd love to hear your stories below.
Did you know?
You can follow Aletheia Luna and don Mateo Sol for the latest Old Soul related articles.
We have an active and vibrant group of Old Souls on Facebook, Come and join us!  We also have an Old Soul Test which you might wish to take.

Old Soul BookOld Soul Book

If you feel old in mind and old in heart, you may like to read more about this experience in my new book: "Old Souls: The Sages and Mystics of Our World".  It's available on Amazon, Goodreads and Smashwords.  If you would like our limited time coupon, please click here.

Photo by: Ryan Seyeau - Color Enhanced

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I create, I share, I teach, I mentor and I write because it is what my soul tells me to do. I don’t consider myself to be perfect or complete, but I do consider myself to be determined: a warrior, voyager and healer in progress. Like you I make mistakes, I feel vulnerable and fragile - but I work to accept these and hope to help you do the same, to reclaim that powerful, earthshaking wholeness deep inside. [More...] [Follow on Facebook...]
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Did you know?
You can follow Aletheia Luna and don Mateo Sol for the latest Old Soul related articles.
We have an active and vibrant group of Old Souls on Facebook, Come and join us!  We also have an Old Soul Test which you might wish to take.

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