Tuesday, February 17, 2015

how to tell if they are about love or money

if they are about money
they tell you to shut up they don't want to hear it
they don't appreciate the little things
say i don't understand i can't understand frequently
ask same questions daily never understand answers
can't comprehend why someone feels that way or did what they did
say can't understand your reasoning
if they are not feeling cold or hungry then you shouldn't feel cold or hungry either
(this applies to any other feeling or emotion or situation)
undermine your comments and efforts often
boast upon themselves
brag about their own intelligence smartness often and frequently call others stupid
are most concerned with outward appearances
care what others think about them more than being true to themselves
try to make a good impression/impress others often with flashy material things cars
clothing possessions jewelry ornaments money and knowledge of facts figures statistics
they think they are privy too
ownership of these things and knowledge makes them feel superior
alter attitude personality characteristics according to who they are around
say different things about same subject to different people
say what you want to hear instead of truth
chronically complain
rarely or never seem happy
not happy when others are happy or successful
gloat when they think they've taken advantage of, ripped off, gotten revenge,hurt another being
laugh when others fail or fall, when others are in pain and suffering
if you break your leg they'll stomp on it then break your other leg

don't really know truth and don't care to know it
don't defend others like weak innocent old crippled
blame victims not perpetrators

they never really give anyone anything. they act as if they still retain ownership
of their "gift" to you.  If it's food they'll eat it if it's a car they'll take it away when they
want it, borrow it, loan it out, use it when they want, make you return it, steal it back
and always remember to remind
you of what they "gave" you or what they did or have done for you
and fail to remember what you have given to them or done for them.
it's also known as being an indian giver.

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