Wednesday, March 15, 2017

55 year old white Caucasian female/woman with chronic health issues living in poverty unable to work a full or part time job where I can make enough money to pay for all expenses to live.

55 year old white Caucasian female/woman with chronic health issues living in poverty unable to work a full or part time job where I can make enough money to pay for all expenses to live.
Poverty household income we have is less than half the federal poverty level -- approximately $16,000-- and I do not qualify for Medicaid or Medicare because they say we have too many vehicles (3) for the household of 2 senior citizens.

In July, 2016 I was told by Pam, an employee of Truman Medical Center Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri  that you are allowed 1 vehicle per person at Truman Medical Center East. I called a social security disability lawyer and the woman said we are only allowed to have 1 vehicle per household, that I had to have worked a job 5 out of the last ten 10 years and they wouldn't make an appointment to see me to apply for disability.

I wonder why and what property owned by anyone in the household has to do with
the fact that I have chronic health issues preventing me from working a job
by an employer who will require that I fulfill all of the duties of the job.

What does property owned and household income have anything to do with
the fact that I am disabled because I cannot work a full time job and perform
all of the duties required by an employer.

Employers want the job done. They are not concerned with any health problems
that prevent you from getting the job done. They do not make accommodations for
a person who cannot physically and mentally perform the job. 

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