Friday, March 17, 2017

Things human beings do that other animals don't do.

Things human beings do that other animals don't do.

this is an ongoing list of thoughts, ideas, beliefs, activities, feelings,
emotions of what people do worldwide that i do not see other animals
or life forms do

intentionally smoke cigarettes, cigars, marijuana and man-made
drugs and chemicals

forget how to breathe air in and out of their lungs like they did as children

water and drinks
drink man-made concoctions such as fruit juice, vegetable juice,
tea, coffee, milk shakes, soda pop, sweet sugary drinks and concoctions made out of it,
protein powder mix shakes.

drink fermented man-made beverages: liquor, alcohol, spirits, beer, wine,
wine coolers

eat when they are not hungry and not eat when they are hungry:
eg: eat to be social, to look good or bad to other people, out of boredom,
frustration, because they are happy, depressed, sad, lonely, excited

eat by the man-made clock

force feed their offspring, people and animals

starve healthy offspring, people and animals

cook, heat their food before eating

store food in cans jars bags containers

freeze food storing it for long periods of time

wear clothes, underwear, pants, trousers, shorts, blue jeans, shirts, tops, coats, jackets,
shoes, hats, gloves, mittens, scarves

build boxes to live in: houses, apartments, condos, condominiums

build boxes to work in: buildings of employment

confine life forms animals and plants and keep them from freely exploring their
natural world

have sex when they aren't in the mood
use lubricants because the female is too dry or the male
or female uses them during masturbation
have sex with individuals/people they don't want to
force sex upon others: become rapists of men, women,
animals, plants
use man-made objects to engage in solo sex or with others


brush their teeth using various objects and concoctions such
as baking soda, peroxide, toothpaste with added flouride and
artificial sweeteners
use breath mints, fresheners and man-made mouthwash

animals transport themselves by foot, wing, water, air
based upon their own ability
and do not develop artificial means of moving around

develop different speech patterns and languages in different
groups of people

thinking/cognitive abilities
animals do not worry

humans worry

force their opinions upon other life forms often in an effort to
convert the other to their set of beliefs

humans think they control their environment
they believe they are or can be the controller of everything

some humans enjoy seeing and helping others to be happy and content
by thinking good thoughts of others, performing kind acts to help aid
others in their desire to be happy

some humans enjoy seeing others suffer in pain and and misery, purposefully
inflicting pain on others by their words, thoughts or actions

know they are going to die and
think/believe they can live forever in a spirit form

go to the gym, fitness center

work a job performing duties constructed by others that instructs them to
do certain activities

use alarm clocks to artificially and unnaturally wake themselves up

get up before they have had enough sleep and are still tired

sleep when they are not tired

use stimulants to keep themselves awake

use sedatives to make themselves tired and sleepy

vanity/are vain
wear makeup, tattoo their bodies, pierce body parts

cut and shave their body hair

apply scent to their skin: aromatic oils, essences, essential oils from other
animals and plants, cologne, fragrance, body spray, perfume

use hairspray, gel, mousse to the hair on their head

take showers and baths

use soap body wash shampoo condition deodorant

wash their hands with soaps detergents and germ killing chemicals
like hand sanitizers

shave hair off their body: face, arms, armpits, legs, back, groin, head, chest

tattoo permanent images in ink onto their skin

pierce holes in their body: ears, nose, lips, tongue, nipples, belly button, anywhere
on the body

use a toilet, go to the bathroom to urinate/pee, defecate/poop

hold in their urine and feces/poop for long periods of time

compare themselves to others and try to mimic them and believe they can be just like someone else
if only they do what the other does

look at man-made clocks constantly to determine what they should be doing

believe in the word/idea of should and

ignore their instincts

teach other beings to deny their feelings and emotions

repress, stop, deny, cancel, ignore, defy the self-expression of
other life form beings

kill, murder other beings that are not related to self-protection,
protection of offspring or the need to eat

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Early in morning and daytime. He believes all things must be done

 as if life does not exist after 5 or 6 pm if the evening hours don't count as being productive or useful