Thursday, June 20, 2019

What factors determine how you look? Environment, stress elimination, rest/ relaxation/ sleep, diet, exercise.

Environment,  stress elimination, rest/ relaxation/ sleep, diet, exercise.

Where are you?
What are you experiencing?
How can you deal with stress?
How can you eliminate unnecessary stress?
Do you feel any kind of pain, emotional or physical?
How do you alleviate pain so you can feel better?

How can you feel better?
What do you enjoy thinking about and doing?
How often do you think about and do things you love to do?
Are you experiencing pleasure?
Do you feel good?
Do you help others to feel good?

When do you rest?
When and how do you relax?
When and how do you sleep to repair your body?

How much water do you drink?
What other beverages do you drink?
How do you feel after drinking plenty of water and being hydrated?

What are you eating?
Is it the right food for you at the time?

Are you exercising?
What type of exercise is best for you?

Our natural state is to be happy and curious,
to move towards
what we want
and to do the same
for other life forms in this world
so they will be happy, too.

Like produces like.
Happy causes happiness.
Misery causes others to be miserable.

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