Friday, August 30, 2019

You will never win or beat the narcissist.

You will never win or beat the narcissist.
They constantly watch you and others and
keep up with what you want so they can sabotage your life.
Their "happiness" is top priority.  Your happiness pisses them off
and they fly into a rage.
You cannot be yourself.
You cannot enjoy anything they do not like.
They have to think they are one up on you and everyone else.

Your Daily Quotation:"Physical strength is measured by what we can carry; spiritual by what we can bear." -- Author Unknown

Your Daily Quotation:"Physical strength is measured by what we can carry; spiritual by what we can bear."
-- Author Unknown 

I still have all of my body parts except 2 teeth (right molars) and 4 wisdom teeth that had to be extracted.

I still have all of my body parts except 2 teeth (right molars) and 4 wisdom teeth
that had to be extracted. 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

For the past 2 weeks I have wanted to paint splatter marks with a small paint brush and see what happens.

For the past 2 weeks I have wanted to paint splatter marks with a small paint brush
and see what happens. 

I have been dodging word bullets all of my life. Home has always been a war zone since my birth.

I have been dodging word bullets all of my life. Home has always been a war zone
since my birth.

I desire and have been wanting calm, peace, love, understanding and kindness.

The others desire competition, fighting, hate, strife, fear, anger, revenge, control.
I have been the mediator, the peace maker, the one stuck in the middle of others with opposing sides.

Each person has tried to make me choose sides, to commit to one persons viewpoint
and hate the other.

I decided not to commit myself to any one person's view or follow one book,
one bible, one religion, one political group or any other particular group that
demands I agree with every thought and rule they have
which limits, restricts and confines me into a cage.

They thrive on argument and trying to prove they are better than anyone else.

Children are our past, present and future. We are all children regardless of our age.

Children are our past, present and future.
We are all children regardless of our age.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The typical human animal displays the least of common sense.

The typical human animal displays the least of common sense.
It thinks it is the most intelligent yet defies nature.

The human pushes itself beyond its natural limits,
denies its feelings and sense of well being,
listens to other humans that tell it how it should think, feel, do and be
and unsuccessfully tries to transform itself into a version of what
someone else thinks it should be.

It projects its own wants, needs, desires upon others and
depletes the life of the others in order to try to gain what it
thinks it needs for itself.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Core strength. Physical therapist taught me exercises to increase core strength.

Core strength. Physical therapist taught me exercises to increase core strength.
She said let your muscles control your bones.
Squats. Lunges. Stretch to touch toes (no bouncing).

Your partner, spouse, significant other is the most important influence in your adult life.

Your partner, spouse, significant other is the most important influence in your adult life.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Invest in yourself. My answer when my son asked me what he should invest in.

Invest in yourself. My answer when my son asked me what he should invest in.
Why? Your body is the only thing you temporarily "own". You don't really own it.
You live in it. It was created without any effort from you.

Your spirit inhabits the body while it is alive and is the only thing you have
some control of.  I say some control instead of total control because there are
countless factors involved that determine your existence, many of which you
can't control.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

We all play the same (our) broken records throughout our life.

We all play the same (our) broken records throughout our life. 

His top priority is making sure the bills are paid.

His top priority is making sure the bills are paid. Very noble and important to
have a home with enough money to pays all the bills and expenses.
His last priority is how I feel and my health conditions.
If feelings were the top priority the bills would be taken care of with ease.

How you make people feel is the most important thing.

How you make people feel is the most important thing. They don't care
about how smart or important you think you are.

Extreme Anxiety

Extreme Anxiety: Poverty, ill health, unable to work decent full time job. Barely
managing to get by now. If not for husband I'd be out on the street or dead.
What does the future hold?

Saturday, August 10, 2019

The dentist does not take care of your teeth everyday. You do.

The dentist does not take care of your teeth everyday. You do.
Drink lots of water every day and be sure to drink water if you eat
anything sweet/loaded with sugar or flour products. Brush and floss
when you can and rinse with water.

I use baking soda most of the time to brush my teeth.
Rarely do I use commercial toothpaste or mouthwash.

Many years ago I found out the mint flavors make me nauseous and throw up.

Pepsodent and close up cinnamon flavor toothpaste do not do this to me.
I have all of my original teeth except two and I am 58 years old

No day is exactly the same. I do not feel the same way at the same time every day. Feelings, desires, actions and abilities change daily. Expecting robotic consistency from any living being is absurd and insane.

No day is exactly the same. I do not feel the same way at the same time every day.
Feelings, desires, actions and abilities change daily. Expecting robotic consistency
from any living being is absurd and insane.

I can't prove it but I suspect I have never had an original thought. Whatever I think and have thought has been here from the beginning. Someone else has had the same thoughts.

I can't prove it but I suspect I have never had an original thought. Whatever I think and
have thought has been here from the beginning. Someone else has had the same thoughts.

You don't HAVE to do anything.

You don't HAVE to do anything. 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Peace keeper, mediator, philosopher, wisdom seeker.

Peace keeper, mediator, philosopher, wisdom seeker.
Patience practicing person, lover of nature and beauty.
Seeking knowledge constantly. Spreading knowledge, wisdom,
happiness and all other emotions.

Lover of love and understanding.

Dancer. Wanted to be a ballet dancer as a child. Learned to love
active, fast and slow movement with intense drum beat music
disco, rock, hard rock and roll. I want to move my body to the music
when I hear it. If I don't hear it my mind will have a song come to mind
that I want to hear. I can't get that song out of my mind until I hear it.
Then I want to hear it again and again.  It represents my soul and feelings.

love spreading appeals to me naturally