Sunday, August 25, 2019

I have been dodging word bullets all of my life. Home has always been a war zone since my birth.

I have been dodging word bullets all of my life. Home has always been a war zone
since my birth.

I desire and have been wanting calm, peace, love, understanding and kindness.

The others desire competition, fighting, hate, strife, fear, anger, revenge, control.
I have been the mediator, the peace maker, the one stuck in the middle of others with opposing sides.

Each person has tried to make me choose sides, to commit to one persons viewpoint
and hate the other.

I decided not to commit myself to any one person's view or follow one book,
one bible, one religion, one political group or any other particular group that
demands I agree with every thought and rule they have
which limits, restricts and confines me into a cage.

They thrive on argument and trying to prove they are better than anyone else.

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