Friday, January 28, 2022

You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

He makes statements about life showing his stupidity and lack of understanding about people, animals, etcetera.

He asks questions that show he is confused. Has no idea what is going on, what I am doing, feeling, thinking, anything most of the time.

 all day long every day

continually asking me questions about every little thing

it's like a small child around 2-4 years old or so

or who is curious and has no clue about what goes on

or why or who is doing what they do and why


ignorant dumb stupid fearful



Vexation definition. He is constantly annoyed, irritated, angry. AND confused


Vexation is both something that causes annoyance and the state of mind that results from being annoyed. The test-taker next to you tapping her pencil is a vexation. You breaking her pencil in half makes her feel vexation.

Vexation can also refer to something that causes anxiety and worry more than annoyance. When the parents of the kid you're babysitting are two hours late to return and aren’t answering their phones, that could be a vexation. You are less annoyed than worried. (Though, to be honest, you're still a little annoyed).

noun anger produced by some annoying irritation

synonyms:annoyance, chafe

see more

noun the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed

synonyms:annoyance, botheration, irritation

see more

noun something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness

synonyms:concern, headache, worry

see more

noun the act of troubling or annoying someone

synonyms:annoyance, annoying, irritation

see more

Some individuals cannot stand to be alone. They don't know what solitude is. Do they not like themselves?

 Do they have to have approval from some other person 

before they do anything?

I am perfectly fine in solitude; alone, by myself. I like to be around people but can take it for awhile then leave it just fine.

Amount of time spent with each person varies: for some it is Zero seconds. 30 minutes to an hour is the usual max.

 some beings can be in my presence for no amount of time

some are more enjoyable 

some are barely tolerable

up to one hour or so is about the limit for most

i am fine being with myself

Zero communication with vexations to the spirit. (Loud and aggressive persons/people are vexations.)

She doesn't have to say a word. Her appearance says it all.

 sarah wilson montgomery mertz stillwell

Beauty instantly commands attention.

Thursday, January 27, 2022



Essential Meaning of philosophy

1: the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc.

a professor of philosophy

Her degree is in philosophy and religion.

2: a particular set of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc.

The group eventually split over conflicting political philosophies.

3: a set of ideas about how to do something or how to live

Her main cooking philosophy is to use only fresh ingredients.

My philosophy is to live and let live. [=let other people live the way they want to]

His philosophy of life [=his way of living] is to treat people as he would like to be treated.

Full Definition of philosophy

1a(1): all learning exclusive of technical precepts and practical arts

(2): the sciences and liberal arts exclusive of medicine, law, and theology

a doctor of philosophy

(3): the 4-year college course of a major seminary

b(1)archaic : PHYSICAL SCIENCE


c: a discipline comprising as its core logic, aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology

2a: pursuit of wisdom

b: a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means

c: an analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs

3a: a system of philosophical concepts

b: a theory underlying or regarding a sphere of activity or thought

the philosophy of war

4a: the most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group

b: calmness of temper and judgment befitting a philosopher


Respectful people only are allowed into my life. Zero attention to the negative disrespectful.

I am polite, considerate, intelligent and aware.

I will give my attention to those who are respectful and
loving of all life and creatures.
Nice people are nice to everyone, not just to those they want to get 
something out of or to some far and distant stranger seen in the media.

This marks the end of my association with disrespectful, nasty, egotistical
braggarts which up to the day have been 
dominant in my life due to my lack of knowing that 
these people cannot change their core behavior because of me or
anyone else.  ASS kissers are phony nice to strangers and treat 
nice people like shit doormats like I have been treated by them.

Childish acting mean tyrants, spoiled rotten brats get no attention.
Negative ones DEMAND attention in bad ways. They act they they
are smarter and entitled to all regardless of who they walk on and 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

He was fake phony appearances liar lying cheating stealing borrowing 

i am real honest truth innocent angel naive

opposites attract

direct opposites

song; 3 more cups of coffee


3 more cups of coffee

couple more cigarettes

another shot of brandy

then maybe baby

maybe i'll forget

got used to your love

now its gone for good

a song i wrote over 30 years ago

sarah wilson mertz stillwell

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

excruciating back pain right now after eating first time, once today

 experiencing horrible pain now

just ate these foods 

canned split pea with ham soup chunky brand 

added half can green beans and cabbage raw then cooked in microwave

rye bread 2 slices toasted

2 slices ham

1 slice swiss cheese

plain mustard

guacamole dip premade store bought from hyvee a few days ago

wavy plain potato chips : brand ?

zesty pickles bread and butter

fresh cucumber slices

hard cheese extra sharp about 2 ounces or so

hyvee salad mix iceberg purple cabbage carrots 


too many different foods 

won't be able to identify culprit, which one or ones causing pain

Watched constantly skin ass boobs legs face

are you commando?
i don't know what you mean
are you wearing anything under that dress
oh, you will never know. why do you ask?
you never know .. I might see something.. said by
former neighbor donald r ogers september 2020 

Monday, January 24, 2022

3 day experiment no flour products. Asian style food only meat veg fruit rice

 today january 24, 2022

had a whole bunch of homemade

stir fry chicken with broccoli carrots onion cabbage

white rice

pineapple mango tropical fruit dried cranberries


pecans mixed nuts peanuts cashews ice cream banana

january 25, 2022 tuesday

Some think they can say or do anything to you

 Because they paid you money for work or services you did for them

Because of their real or imagined position

Sunday, January 16, 2022

What causes these unwanted unhealthy physical symptoms

sunken face jowls

dark circles under eyes

weight loss unexplained

loss of muscle firmness

joint pain


vision loss and damage 

Blurred blurry eyes sight


weight gain .. fat cells become larger

puffy eyes

swollen face 

mood changes, dramatic

sudden shifts froms good to bad feelings emotions

grey gray hair early earlier than expected

cravings for certain foods/things

sags sagging creepy skin

 today is a gift that is why we call it the present: everyday is christmas it's not just
reserved for one day out of the entire year

baking soda and peroxide I use real thing

too much salt, man made sugar and sweeteners
 and wrong fats get body out of balance unhealthy

your gut controls your mind

Friday, January 14, 2022

Clayton's gifts to me

 clayton's gifts to me

he always remembers what people like and gives them something accordingly

his birth august 13, 1982  Friday the 13th, the lucky number and day

flowers he picked from outside when he was 2

shamrock finder easily finds 4 leaf clover

recording my wedding to mike february 21 1998

spice holder, plastic holds various variety  


clothes, sweat/workout suit Black with magenta pink pants and zip top

red lobster 100 gift card

ice cream at andy's custard lee's summit, mo for my birthday

leggings, first pair of yoga pants

plaque/sign "Patience" from him & Heather long before Damon was created, a
mother's day gift

back massager mat pad for back of chair 

mattress , queen size will last "forever" for my birthday

phone telephone cordless system

instant pot, christmas a few years ago

slow cooker

pots and pans set emeril best you can get


his 30th birthday at ugly joes with heather.. what a blast

Monday, January 10, 2022

John does not meditate

 John must have constant outside stimulus in order to feel 

alive and in pseudo control

He told me other people meditate and he does not 

He believes he is superior and intelligent...and he is intelligent in his own ways

by memorizing trivia and news and information he receives from

outside sources

He does not allow himself to be silent quiet still 

He does not listen to inner self guidance direction

He is not creative. Instead he chooses to admire the output and creations of others 

He believes the answer is OUT there somewhere 

He prefers to use the touchpad on computer NOT the mouse

He does not see anything special in people he knows personally

He admires strangers and the news and media : movies, actors, musicians

He is a control freak

Materialistic, money focused, mammon is his god

Only understands physical needs and wants and desires

Food/eating, hunger, bodily functions, movement

Says "I want, I need, What I need from you is..,

 I want you to... I want this and that" constantly

He said "Don't take me literally" the other day when I visited him at the

nursing care home facility in Independence, Missouri

Awareness from less

awareness results from



focus on one thing or

nothing at all

allow emptiness or an empty feeling of thought mind

like a drain clearing out

when eyes are closed

no outside sounds 


or when very few sights sounds smells feelings tastes

are there

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Cave dweller

Beauty and grace. Charisma


Grace the

1. Seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement, form, or proportion.

2. A characteristic or quality pleasing for its charm or refinement.

3. A sense of fitness or propriety.


a. A disposition to be generous or helpful; goodwill.

b. Mercy; clemency.

5. A favor rendered by one who need not do so; indulgence.

6. A temporary immunity or exemption; a reprieve.

7. Graces Greek & Roman Mythology Three sister goddesses, known in Greek mythology as Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, who dispense charm and beauty.

8. Christianity

a. Divine favor bestowed freely on people, as in granting redemption from sin.

b. The state of having received such favor.

c. An excellence or power granted by God.

9. A short prayer of blessing or thanksgiving said before or after a meal.

10. Grace Used with His, Her, or Your as a title and form of address for a duke, duchess, or archbishop.

11. Music An appoggiatura, trill, or other musical ornament in the music of 16th and 17th century England.

Residual income. Passive or hidden not immediately known to public strangers

Safe neutral subjects in public or at home

 weather current conditions , past or future

compliment and appreciate a persons 
  appearance, belongings, pet, hobbies, interests

a material object in the vicinity 

observation and commenting on nature : land trees grass plants 
animals landscape sky pools of water 


Controversial subjects cause division



money income


aabsolute statements


No skinny diet fat free sugar free cow named label food or drink for me

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

 Peace harmony I love

Loud noises machinery noise and burning petroleum smells

Or petrol products I don't like

There is nothing wrong with this or me because of what I like or dislike 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Variety of sex partners : craved by men/ Male desires many conquests to spread his genes as far as possible

 explains why

"love" their wife yet

make passes at other females often

Never satisfied with who he is with/the woman/women he has

already had (sex with) 

HE Always wants more and different ones

women change their hair, their look,

their wardrobe/clothes often ..girls like to play dress up

anyway and try different looks and styles and 

boys love to LOOK 

at different females all of the time

THEY usually want the one woman they have (for regular

and guaranteeed sex)

yet will screw any other person any chance they get have or make

and/or have fantasies desires wants of doing it with as many

people they see anywhere anytime be it in person in the

media (print, video, communication devices such as telephone 

cell phone ) or if

they hear about a possible sex partner from someone anyone whether

they know the person or not: personal associate or stranger

THEY crave fresh meat stranger sex

encounters of any kine be it surprise or not (familiar)

THEY do NOT want any type of commitment


monogomay being tied down 

THEY like to think believe imagine they can procreate with

He will give material THINGS to me/you,the female/woman/girl

but will not give himself , his fidelity he will not ever really be faithful

to one woman

He will LIE cheat steal maniupulate coerce trick force others to get this sex desire 


He will accumulate money material items and show off his prowess 

with his physical body his mental intelligence ability 

He will wrongly believe all he has to do is fork over an item or a

bit of money or perform a work function and this is all he has to do

to impress a female and make her falsely believe he loves her when in fact

he only really cares about himself/ # 1, numero uno

HE will pick fights with his partner prior to hunting for fresh meat conquests

He will start a fight argument over any little thing as excuse to get out of the house
or wherever he is around his regular mate to justify his inborn goal to go out
and get some strange new pussy

in order to avoid intimacy and having to spend real time with her

HE will give a gift (any item such as flowers, candy, whatever it may be)
or perform a service (do something nice for her which he rarely does
out of pure kindness)
to the regular sex supply female in his life when he has done his infidelity
with another woman either mentally or physically
This gift or service giving is done out of guilt not pure love so that he may
continue to keep his supply of maid, sex slave, bill payer, house cleaner,
partner for appearances to the public/neighbors,family, co-workers, anyone
outside of his home 

He thinks there is always someone or something better OUT THERE
and he is MISSING OUT of some type of thing or activity he can't get at home

HE gets the things he wants
HE spends lots of and most of his money of what HE wants
He likes to keep in reserve a lot of money and material things
(he can use this to buy off any possible person for anything he desires to get
out of them sex incuded)
He does what he wants to do
HE listens to what he wants to hear
He looks at what he wants
These things give him power

and yet he denies his steady regular woman and family the things they want
so he can continue to get what he wants and he
becomes angry irate fitful pissed off throws tantrums when he discovers his mate or
kids have any item he did not pick out or approve for them to use

Favorite targets are innocent sweet kind loving people; those who do not know
they are being used coerced manipulated 

IF he thinks someone else wants you and he might lose you as his constant supply to
fulfill his basic desires to make the public think he is a normal nice guy
then he will want you more and will temporarily do nice things for you and 
may even want to marry you: ONCE married you are 
considere HAD, taken and now become the 
doormat worthless treated piece of trash garbage that he does NOT
have to do much work for pay attention to or impress because you 
already fell for him and love him 

PEOPLE are PLAYTHINGS and PLay toys to him

they are not live beings with their own intuition and wants and needs and desires

HE hides stashes lots of things in various places (such as money,
communications, activities, possessions)
yet HE demands to know all of the things you (I) have such as how
much money or things I have and has to know every one i know
so he can interrogate them as to my whereabouts or state of mind

He cannot be close or open with anyone about his true feelings and spirit and

GIVING yourself completely to one man is the WORST mistake a 
woman can make

Always has to know what I am doing, thinking, going yet does not want me to know
all he is thinking doing or where he is going 

Will do last minute things with no advance notice and want to go somewhere 
suddenly then get pissed if I am not instantly ready

Avoids making plans 
Spontaneous appearing but not really: He has already made plans I didn't know about it

Focusing on one thing equals success: This is why multi tasking is pushed by some, to keep you in their control

 Jumping around from one thing to the other without finishing a thing

equals no success, no progress, limited thought and choice of activities

Just because I believe something doesn't mean it is always or at any time true

 For instance. I believed that all people are inherently good and nice 

and if I am nice and cooperative they will be nice and loving and love me back.


So I save a man's life and he accuses me of wrong doing and

 Husband accuses me of having planned it out. 

What a farce from paranoid schizoid people,. 

Makes me think I shouldn't have saved his life and worked so hard

Every day for months April 20th thru December 6th

And makes me think twice about helping someone again 

Who probably wanted to die and be better off dead.

Appreciation is lacking by both parties

It's like having a dog bite your hand while you're feeding it then chew your hand off 

And spit in your face 

Burning back pain daily chronic worse after eating

 For years. Do not know why it burns and don't know how to stop it,

No help from anyone. 

Chronic daily pain. 

I do not take any drugs to relieve pain. I just deal with it. 

Monday, January 3, 2022

Peace harmony beauty ease love warmth

 i love peace harmony 

i am upset by loud noises 

machinery animals in distress

i am perfect the way i am

there is nothing wrong with me because of what i like and love

i am a female/girl. i am a woman and always have been 

Sunday, January 2, 2022


To my grandson Damon. I love you very much. I don't know how much longer I will live. Memories we will always have.

 I am here even though you can't  see me. 

Solitude in the same house under same roof.

 Isolation  and rejection.  The annihilation of  Sarah Stillwell

I am around too much. I am not valued or validated or valuable

Only used useful like a toy or tool when he wants to take me out to play when he's in the mood

 Other than that

Shut the eff up

Stay away

Stay out if sight

He only looks at me when he wants something physical

Or wants and expects me to listen and agree

With everything  he says

Sneaks around spying he tries to control everything

Living dead girl

It's much easier to manage life when i know what u am dealing with

 It's much easier to manage life when i know what u am dealing with 

He wants physical material things and activities and no emotional mental love bonding

 An android  dead machine set doll set

For satisfying physical fantasies desres only

Can't connect emotionally spiritually in any fashion of love 

Or understanding 

Your body is priceless. My soul is priceless

Eyes reveal experience.

The more I talk the worse it gets. It appears looks are everything with a female. Knowledge is nothing.

love spreading appeals to me naturally