Monday, January 10, 2022

John does not meditate

 John must have constant outside stimulus in order to feel 

alive and in pseudo control

He told me other people meditate and he does not 

He believes he is superior and intelligent...and he is intelligent in his own ways

by memorizing trivia and news and information he receives from

outside sources

He does not allow himself to be silent quiet still 

He does not listen to inner self guidance direction

He is not creative. Instead he chooses to admire the output and creations of others 

He believes the answer is OUT there somewhere 

He prefers to use the touchpad on computer NOT the mouse

He does not see anything special in people he knows personally

He admires strangers and the news and media : movies, actors, musicians

He is a control freak

Materialistic, money focused, mammon is his god

Only understands physical needs and wants and desires

Food/eating, hunger, bodily functions, movement

Says "I want, I need, What I need from you is..,

 I want you to... I want this and that" constantly

He said "Don't take me literally" the other day when I visited him at the

nursing care home facility in Independence, Missouri

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