Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Variety of sex partners : craved by men/ Male desires many conquests to spread his genes as far as possible

 explains why

"love" their wife yet

make passes at other females often

Never satisfied with who he is with/the woman/women he has

already had (sex with) 

HE Always wants more and different ones

women change their hair, their look,

their wardrobe/clothes often ..girls like to play dress up

anyway and try different looks and styles and 

boys love to LOOK 

at different females all of the time

THEY usually want the one woman they have (for regular

and guaranteeed sex)

yet will screw any other person any chance they get have or make

and/or have fantasies desires wants of doing it with as many

people they see anywhere anytime be it in person in the

media (print, video, communication devices such as telephone 

cell phone ) or if

they hear about a possible sex partner from someone anyone whether

they know the person or not: personal associate or stranger

THEY crave fresh meat stranger sex

encounters of any kine be it surprise or not (familiar)

THEY do NOT want any type of commitment


monogomay being tied down 

THEY like to think believe imagine they can procreate with

He will give material THINGS to me/you,the female/woman/girl

but will not give himself , his fidelity he will not ever really be faithful

to one woman

He will LIE cheat steal maniupulate coerce trick force others to get this sex desire 


He will accumulate money material items and show off his prowess 

with his physical body his mental intelligence ability 

He will wrongly believe all he has to do is fork over an item or a

bit of money or perform a work function and this is all he has to do

to impress a female and make her falsely believe he loves her when in fact

he only really cares about himself/ # 1, numero uno

HE will pick fights with his partner prior to hunting for fresh meat conquests

He will start a fight argument over any little thing as excuse to get out of the house
or wherever he is around his regular mate to justify his inborn goal to go out
and get some strange new pussy

in order to avoid intimacy and having to spend real time with her

HE will give a gift (any item such as flowers, candy, whatever it may be)
or perform a service (do something nice for her which he rarely does
out of pure kindness)
to the regular sex supply female in his life when he has done his infidelity
with another woman either mentally or physically
This gift or service giving is done out of guilt not pure love so that he may
continue to keep his supply of maid, sex slave, bill payer, house cleaner,
partner for appearances to the public/neighbors,family, co-workers, anyone
outside of his home 

He thinks there is always someone or something better OUT THERE
and he is MISSING OUT of some type of thing or activity he can't get at home

HE gets the things he wants
HE spends lots of and most of his money of what HE wants
He likes to keep in reserve a lot of money and material things
(he can use this to buy off any possible person for anything he desires to get
out of them sex incuded)
He does what he wants to do
HE listens to what he wants to hear
He looks at what he wants
These things give him power

and yet he denies his steady regular woman and family the things they want
so he can continue to get what he wants and he
becomes angry irate fitful pissed off throws tantrums when he discovers his mate or
kids have any item he did not pick out or approve for them to use

Favorite targets are innocent sweet kind loving people; those who do not know
they are being used coerced manipulated 

IF he thinks someone else wants you and he might lose you as his constant supply to
fulfill his basic desires to make the public think he is a normal nice guy
then he will want you more and will temporarily do nice things for you and 
may even want to marry you: ONCE married you are 
considere HAD, taken and now become the 
doormat worthless treated piece of trash garbage that he does NOT
have to do much work for pay attention to or impress because you 
already fell for him and love him 

PEOPLE are PLAYTHINGS and PLay toys to him

they are not live beings with their own intuition and wants and needs and desires

HE hides stashes lots of things in various places (such as money,
communications, activities, possessions)
yet HE demands to know all of the things you (I) have such as how
much money or things I have and has to know every one i know
so he can interrogate them as to my whereabouts or state of mind

He cannot be close or open with anyone about his true feelings and spirit and

GIVING yourself completely to one man is the WORST mistake a 
woman can make

Always has to know what I am doing, thinking, going yet does not want me to know
all he is thinking doing or where he is going 

Will do last minute things with no advance notice and want to go somewhere 
suddenly then get pissed if I am not instantly ready

Avoids making plans 
Spontaneous appearing but not really: He has already made plans I didn't know about it

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